Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monitoring Antarctic Ice Movement Is a Sticky Business

This article is about scientists discovering exactly how large pieces of ice like glaciers actually move they are called "sticky spots". What is a sticky spot? A sticky spot is when seismic pressure builds under the ice and when it becomes too stong the ground underneath the ice actually begins to move which causes the ice to move. The whole process is called a "stick and slip" movement. Does the ice moving have anything to do with global warming then? Scientists have been telling us for years that this ice is melting and we are all doomed and it's all because of global warming. This doesn't sound like global warming! This sounds like the earth shifting and shaking which causes movement of ice that eventually leads to or breaks off into the ocean. These chunks of ice aren't small, they are as big as some US states! Maybe that's why we are all in a panic? When these chunk lead into the ocean they will eventually melt raising sea levels. Then, I guess, we are doomed!

Impulsivity Linked to Cocaine Addiction

"Call it the chicken-and-egg debate of the addiction world: Cocaine addicts are known for being frenetic, but which came first, the behavior or the habit?"
New studies (made with rats) proved that is the behavior what makes somone addict.
Experts think that this might help later for solving problems with addictions.
Scientists study frug addcits when they already have an addiction, so it's hard to know if their behavior took led them more to the addiction.
"What they do know is that two traits--impulsiveness and thrill-seeking--tend to define most drug addicts. Although the behaviors are similar, scientists have been able to parse them in the lab: Highly impulsive rats jump the gun on simple tasks--pushing a button, for example, before they are signaled to do so; thrill-seeking rats, meanwhile, will rapidly explore any new environment--immediately sniffing various objects in a new cage, for example--whereas normal rats would wait until they felt comfortable in their surroundings. "
What this says, is that the behavior can change the results. For example, if the rat had an impulsive mood or temper, then they could be more likely to have an addiction.
Some other studies that the scientists did, was to put a kind of disspenser to the rats, they put it so they could take cocaine when ever they wanted too. The impulsive rats weren't fast to turn to the drug, but when they did they took it in small amounts.
"After 40 days of free access to cocaine, however, the impulsive rats were the ones who became the addicts. They were unable to stop taking cocaine even when it meant getting an electric shock, the team reports. The thrill seekers, meanwhile, had lost interest in the drug; apparently, the thrill was gone"
So this proves that the impulsive rats were the one who became the addicts, and it didn't matter for them if there were consecuences about keep taking them.
So this also shows that there is a connection between impulsive people and drug addcits, well, rat drug addicts at least.
A psychopharmacologist at the University of Bristol in the U.K. Marc Potenza, a psychiatrist at Yale University, believes that the research has important implications for treating drug dependence. "We might be able to identify individuals at early times in their lives that may be prone to developing addiction," he says.

I think this is something that will really help for predicting which kind of people would be more likely to have an addiction, and is a kind of prediction too, a way of prevention, if people know that being an impulsive person leads more to have an addiction, then all the poeple can be informed about this, and maybe parents, or friends from people that are impulsive can help them so know about the problem, it can really be a way of helping all this people to know if someone can become an addictict but also to help them to prevent it.
So every time, science is more amazing, because almost all of the blogs that I've done, are of things that I don't ever think about can be posible, not knowing how a person's mood can really affect a situation, so I really like knowing about this, becuase it's a way that you know more about facts that seem that doesn't matter but that at the end they really do.

by: Marcela Murillo Trujano

oil spills and its effects!!

This article is informing us about what are oil spills and how they affect the enviorment the marine life and the consequences of them!
What is an oil spill, when do they happen?
An oil spill is when oil goes into the ocean because of different human activities, or natural disasters for example:
-when people make mistakes or are careless and cause an oil tanker to leak oil into the ocean.
-When countries are at war, one country may decide to dump gallons of oil into the other country’s oceans.
-people dump crude oil into the oceans because they do not want to spend money on decomposing their waste oil.
- natural disaster may cause a oil tanker to spill, and others!
What are the consequences of an oil spill?
Because of one single oil spill, millions of animals die, causing the enviorment, the food chains and the ecosystem break!!!
millions of birds die from oil spills if their feathers are covered in oil. The bird will then be poisoned because it will try to clean itself. Animals may die because they get hypothermia, causing their body temperature to be really low. They may die from really low body temperature. Oil may also cause the death of an animal by entering the animal’s lungs or liver. The animal will then be poisoned by the oil. Oil also can kill an animal by blinding it. The animal will not be able to see and be aware of their predators. If they are not aware of other animals, they may be eaten.
Scientists have discovered that after a simple oil spill, its extremly difficult for animals to recover and that ten years after the spill, animals are still affected by it!
Oil spills sometimes are the reasons of animals becoming endangered!!!!!!
My opinion:
I think that this artice is very important because when people hear about a oils spill, they usually think about a little bit of oil in the sea that killed some birds (thats what i thought an oil spill was), but this article actually tells you how it affects millions of animals, and the whole marine life! And after reading this article, you can see that only because we (humans) are too sellfish, or not consious, we end up killing millions of animals, and affecting the whole marine life! I think this article is very good, and really makes you think how this is impacting the enviorment and that we need to be carefull in what we do and how we do things because oil spills are not just something that will da,age for one day, and be perfect the next one, it impacts so much, and after years and years, the harm will still be there!!!! I think this was a very interesting article that more people should read , and become aware!!!
Maria Rubio!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

erosion in paradise

Now I know this is a little off the topic of the requested summary but, in the Turks and Caicos there is major erosion and so I want to share it with you guys. In the TCI there was a house right on the beach. The guy who owend it was rich and arrogant if you ask me. Over the many years that house resided near the beach, erosion kicked in and soon his house was on a extremly unstable cliff. Of course it fell in the water and all the money but into it was gone...but this is one example of extreme erosion happening on my island. This will soon become a problem as we have no volcanoes like hawaii to repopultae the land once its gone. At my beach, a beach where there is only five people at any time, there was a project to replenish the sand that was washed away. Another rich and arrogant guy behind this (with a mean gardener). It was great... for a while, until it all turned to custard. Don't ask me how bvut when trying to make the beach better, the works made the rocks and sand unstable and super erosion started. Now it looks horrible. Good job I have a pool :)! Erosion is a powerful force of nature and I would like to learn how my beach was destroyed.

Coping With Shoreline Erosion in Sept-Iles

In Quebec along the St Lawrence River, the ground is washing away from the shoreline because of the rising tide. It just comes up and goes away like usual but because the ground is made of sand, they lose up to 8 meters a year. That is a lot. Some houses have to move because it is making their house sink and one day it is going to collapse. It is bad because over 28 000 people live on the coastal line. The government has this map and it shows the houses on the beach and it shows sector. There is S1, S2 and S3. S1 totally has to move or else, S2 has to move but not right away and S3 doesn’t have to move but eventually it is just probably going to keep going until there is nothing left unless they find a way to stop it. There are some ways they are trying to stop it from happening, like putting big rocks on the wall; it helps a bit but not a lot because it still just washes through. It is happening because of global warming and pollution and other stuff, and is happening all along the coast, not just in Sept-Iles. What do I think about this? I think it is very good idea that they are taking action because it is concerning a lot of people and if something is not done about it, it is going to get bad. I know how this goes because where I go for my vacation, there is an island that you can walk to to fish and explore and look for treasures, and this winter, the tides changed and washed the sand bar away so that the island is no longer accessible. The beach changes every year and there are different tide pools and dunes every summer.

Investigating the Ocean

In BC Christine Erbe is an oceanographer. She is trying to find out if the noise from motor boat harms Sea lions and whales, it affects them seriously the way they find prey the way they communicate and detect predators. She says that it can even damage there ears and organs, that is not good. Her job? She is trying to find sea lions and whales all day and in the picture I think she does find animal’s everyday, but it is a very hard job to it cost a lot of money for her to do this but she also makes a lot of money doing it. The good thing? She gets to spend everyday or mostly everyday on the ocean looking for whales and sea lions that is really cool, but she is also helping them and helping the environment at the same time and about nature to. What do I think about this? I think this would be a really cool job to do it actually sounds awesome, I would love to look for whales and sea lions all day, I did the same thing like her up in taddosac we went whale watching and we so so many it was really cool.

horrible hurricanes coming up!!!!!!!

This article is informing us about the climate changes and possible natural disasters!!!!
The U.S. National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center forecasts six to nine hurricanes —including as many as five major hurricanes with wind speeds above 111 miles (179 kilometers) per hour in this six-month season in the Atlantic, (which begins on Sunday and ends November 30).
Experts in different places say the same about the natural disasters coming up, they say that this will be a more active year than most for tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and Caribbean.

The total prediction calls for as many as 16 of this horrible storms!
Depending where one of this storms are born it can be called a hurricane, typhoon, tropical cyclone or a cyclonic storm. By any name, one of these storms can carry as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs—
making them nature's most destructive meteorologic phenomenon.
Because climate change an the rise in global temperature, experts say that there will be tropical cyclones more often and more powerful in the future.

My opinion:
I think this is a very shocking article, in a way it is really scary to see all this big horrible things that are happening because of global warming, and climate change, I think it is really good that this types of article exist so that people can see and know everything that is happening, and that will happen! I think people should change because even if all this natural disasters are going to happen, and there is nothing to do about it, If we (humans) don’t change natural disasters like this ones are going to be worse and worse until we cant control them at all! I think is a very interesting article and people should read this types of articles more, to realize all this horrible things that are happening in the world, and realize that we need to do something now before it is too late!
Maria Rubio

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Over 50 Percent Of Oceanic Shark Species Threatened With Extinction

"The first study to determine the global threat status of 21 species of wide-ranging oceanic pelagic sharks and rays reveals serious overfishing and recommends key steps that governments can take to safeguard populations. These findings and recommendations for action are published in the latest edition of Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems."
Scientists determined that 16 out of the 21 species of sharks that live in the oceans, get caught by fishers, and that they can get extinct really easily, because when they catch them, the catches are not regulated.
They are vulnerable to be over fished, because a lot of times they don't reach the age in which they are sexually mature and have offspring. So the population of sharks can go down easily.
"Fishery managers and regional, national and international officials have the opportunity and the obligation to halt and reverse the rate of loss of biodiversity and ensure sharks and rays are exploited sustainably." says lead author Nicholas Dulvy from the Centre for Environment.
"The current rate of biodiversity loss is ten to a hundred times greater than historic extinction rates, and as humans make increasing use of ocean resources it is possible that many more aquatic species, particularly sharks, are coming under threat," says Dulvy
So some of the solutions for this problem are to establish limits for catching them, so that the sharks can be controlled.

I really like everything about marine life, so I think that this is a problem that has to stop, because all fish and sharks are going to be extinct if this doesn't stop.
So if this doesn't stop soon, it can happen faster than anyone can think.
More other things consequences can happen because if sharks get extinct, they can stop the food chain, and then more problems will come on and on and on, so it is important that it stops.
And besides animals don't have the fault from anything, the fishers are the ones that are making mistakes sometimes not really knowing, so I think that authorities should really put an end to this.

Bloomberg Lays into Policymakers' "Political Science"

This article is about Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New york saying that pollution is growing and we must put a stop to it. He also discussed the fact that science is more important than politics. He was discussing this at the World Science Festival. He is stating that politicians have throughout history ignored sicentists waranings on many things such as the link between smoking and lung cancer. When polictics ignore science he says it is because of political science. he also believes that it is an important issue to reduce greenhouse gases.

My opinon is that we all have to start taking steps for a better future and a better life. It would be nice if politicians began listening to scientists about what is happening on our planet, after all they are the ones that do all the research and can help solve the problems.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monkey's brain controls robot arm

In this article, the u.s.a scientific though that it could be possible to feed a monkey
with a robotic arm.
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University
implanted tiny electrodes into the primary motor cortex, the region of the
brain that sends electrical signals to other parts of the body to control movement.
After programming the arm to respond to certain brain activity,
the researchers were then able to train the monkeys to operate
the arm and have it reach for a treat, pick it up and bring it to their mouths.
They made the monkey learn haw to use it by first observing,
which activates his brain cells as if he were doing it.
University of Montreal researcher John Kalaska, who was not part of the research team, described in an accompanying news article the ease with which the monkeys adapted to and learned to control their robotic arms.
In the experiment the monkey learn by watching just like the scientific s thought it will be.
They say the research could lead to the development of prosthetics for people with spinal cord injuries and those with conditions such as Lou Gehrig's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
My opinion !!!
i think this experiment is really good because if this work they could help people that need it.
they should keep researching and doing more experiments like this , that could help people.
if it works it will be really cool and people could have more possibilities to live better.
Physics in your home

No you’re not dreaming you do have physics in your home. Your DVD’s have optics, lasers and electronics. Your fireplace has thermodynamics and fluid motion. This just goes to show that everything we take for granted actually has loads of cool stuff and took a lot of time to make. Your cell phone or blackberry uses electromagnetic waves and space flight and it’s about as big as you hand. Your credit cards have electromagnetic induction. Even your bicycle has mechanics involved in making it. Yes, every single object in your house probably has physics involved in making it.

I know we’ve all been looking forward to the fourth instalment in the Indiana Jones series but some of the things they used in the movies may be shocking from a scientist’s point of view. The story for the fourth film is that archaeologist Indiana Jones and his kid helper Mut hear of an old Mayan skull that gives great power to the holder. Indy and his friend set out to find the skull, but on the way they meet a female Nazi with a violent temper. They will also encounter more Nazi’s, giant boulders, hidden traps and unfriendly native Mayans. And as I said the things they use just don’t match the Mayans, for example the stone they used for the temple is granite while the Mayans used other rock from the mountains. Also the carvings on the walls are not at all like the Mayan carvings on real temples. So if a scientist would enter the set of this film he should take a close look around.

Monday, May 26, 2008

No more thin plastic bags in china!!

This article is informing us about the amount of thin plastic bags used in China, how they damage the enviorment and what the government is doing to help or decrease the damage!

Thin plastic bags are used for everything in China!
Fruit mongers weigh everything in them, tailors stuff shirts into them, even street food vendors give their piping hot wares directly into see-through plastic bags that dont even do something to protect one's hands from being burned!
Chinese use up to three billion of this plastic bags a day! this habit picked in the 1980s of using this plastic bags for convenience is really damaging the enviorment.
In China they even have a special name for the plastic bags found flying, hanging and floating everywhere from trees to rivers: bai si wu le, or "white pollution,".
But the government has realised how this is affecting the enviorment and they have decided to do something about it:
The government is set to ban the manufacture and force shopkeepers to charge for the distribution of bags thinner than .025 millimeters thick as of June 1! This is a really dramatic change and the people of china are not happy of prepared for this, "I don't know what we'll do, what will we use!?" says a worker in the market of China!
The Chinese government is banning production and distribution of the thinnest plastic bags in a bid to curb the white pollution that is taking over the countryside. The bags are also banned from all forms of public transportation.
The move may save as much as 37 million barrels of oil currently used to produce the plastic totes! Already, the nation's largest producer of such thin plastic bags, Huaqiang, has shut down its operations!
my opinion:
I think this is a very important change and the enviorment will be so much better and it will help alot! I think this desision and change will be difficult for the people in China because they use so much this bags, and it will be a drastic change, but I also think that they will eventually find better ways and other better products, and at the end, the result will be very good for the country and the eviorment!
I think it is very good that people are finding new products that will be better for the world and that they are being more aware of this kind of things, and more aware that we need to change how we live or really bad consequences will come!!! I thaught this was a very interesting and important article , and i liked it alot!!
Maria Rubio!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

More Aftershocks in China Quake Zone

This article is about another aftershock in China that happened on May 20th measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale. Many people were evacuated from buildings especially any building that was higher than three floors. There were no people hurt but officials say that they are losing food supplies very quickly. There will likely be many more aftershocks in the future. possibly one measuring 7 on the Richter scale. The Chinese governments is still not allowing outside help which is making it harder for people to find food and essentials.

My opinion is that the Chinese government needs to start thinking of their people instead of just themselves. Perhaps they should evacuate some people from the hardest hit areas and get them the things they need instead of sitting around and doing nothing. What is going to happen to the olympics?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

At Ten, Dark Energy "Most Profound Problem" in Physics

Since a long time ago, physicists thought that the law of gravity was making the universe expand to slow, "But ten years ago this month the Astronomical Journal accepted a paper for publication that revealed there is a dark side of the force. "
But a new study showed that instead of the universe expands slow, is going faster.
Scientists say that this is because of the dark energy, and this force repeals gravity. But this is not all, dark energy also is 74% of the universe... but maybe when more studies are done, the results can change: "This is game-changing science," Michael Turner, a cosmologist at the University of Chicago.
This is because they just stablished the phenomenon, but they still have to prove the cause.

What I think about this, is that is so cool that they found dark energy. I mean, it's not like is necessarly something bad, but in some movies and books they always talk about a dark side of things, and many times they don't think it is true, but things that are going on are coming closer to reality every time.
I also think that if this force is against the gravity law, then new things can be done, because if this is something that is stablished, then this discovery shows that not everything is as we think it can be and as we are used too, so it is really interesting to know about this, because it gets you to think about new ways of viewing things.

by: Marcela Murillo Trujano

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Death Toll May Climb in China Earthquake Aftermath

This article is about a city in China that had a huge earthquake and there were many deaths. The death toll has been estimated to become more than 50,000. The earthquake happened last Monday at 2:28 pm local time and measured 7.9 on the Richter scale. As many as 20,000 deaths have already occured and another 40,000 people are missing and probably are dead. The defence minister has ordered 101 helicopters to airlift people from devastated areas. Many schools, hospitals, roads have been hit hard. Aftershocks are devastating as well, in a high school, more than 1,000 students and teachers are dead or missing and in a middle school, 900 children are trapped because of a buiding collapse. This is the worst earthquake to hit China since 1976 when an earthquake measuring 7.5 at the epicenter, more than 240,000 people lost their lives.

This is devastating news and I am sure that if the Chinese government would allow outside help, people would be found more quickly and survivors would also get the help they need now instead of later.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good night, Sloth

Scientist Niels Rattenborg of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, Germany, did an study with sluggish bears. He took some of this animals from their trees, so he could put a mini battery recorder for sloths in a lab.
The device allows monitoring of electrical impulses from the brain, but instead of keeping the animals in the lab, they put them outside, to know more about their lives.
What happened was that they sticked them in their hairs, and 3 days later they took the devices away and check all the results.
“I think this is the first to really do sleep in free-roaming animals — that’s what makes the paper interesting,” says evolutionary neuroscientist Paul Manger of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. The approach holds promise since miniaturization and data retrieval technologies are improving so rapidly, he adds.
This is something that is really interesting, because you can check animals in a lab and know results about them, but when they are in their natural environment things change, so you can actually know how animals act when there are predators near to them.
Even though this helps, animals can feel different when they have something stick in their heads, but the study says that at first the sloths were stressed out because of the device but later they went back to normal and that they didn't sleep a lot, they just sleep 20% of the day, and that is what humans normally sleep.
One interesting thing that was found out with this study, was that while this animals were sleeping it seemed like they were chewing something, so maybe they were dreaming about eating leaves.

From this article I have different opinions.
First I think that for understanding the behavior of animals it's something good to do, because we will have more information about the way they act with other animals of their kind and to see how similar or different their behavior can be with other animals and even humans.
But another opinion that I have is not that good, because I think that animals can feel different when they have something stick in their heads, because they are not used to it so it's not normal to them, their mood can change, they can act weird or rare because of the device, it might seem like it doesn't affect them, but they don't know what is going on, and maybe this particular device don't hurt them but later they can be some that would damage them and I don't think this is a good thing to do , because you are interfering with their natural way of living, and animals have feellings too.

Marcela Murillo Trujano

Earthquake in China, horrible disaster!

This article is informing us about the earthquake that occurred in China this Monday, and the consequences of it:
It was a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, that killed thousands of people, and thousand are still missing! This has been the country’s worst earthquake in three decades! So far, 11,921 people have died!
The worst part of this disaster is that this earthquake hit the hardest in remote areas of china (not in the cities), and there is millions of people in this area with desperate need of help but this areas remain inaccessible to rescuers, due to the remoteness and difficulty of the mountainous terrain, this is a huge problem that is causing more and more deaths!
This quake, that lasted several minutes, has collapsed buildings in cities and towns across the province as well as cracking buildings in the capital city, where thousands of people have been spending the night out of doors in fear of aftershocks the people are terrified and don’t know what to do.
More than 26,000 have been injured and at least 9,400 remain trapped in such levelled buildings.
Rescuers and troops worked without stopping and have been saving thousand of lives.
"It's a nightmare. It's a tragedy," said Zhao Mu, a student in university.

My opinion:
I am glad I read this article about this because I did not know about all this tragedy that is happening in China, I think this is so sad and it is terrible, I think that the worst part of it is that people in cities are receiving so much help, (and it is very good that they are receiving it), but the parts that need more help and have been destroyed the most are the ones where the rescuers cant get access to, and people there should be so desperate, I cant imagine how they must feel to be in such a disaster and now one being there with the necessary equipment to help them now! In the article it said that this is a natural disaster with a huge magnitude and that something like this had not been seen in so long, I really think that all this huge and horrible disasters that are happening in the world are due to global warming, there have been so many natural disasters lately and if the global warming situation does not get better, I think we are going to have natural disasters like this earthquake in China and other places often, and we are going to see the consequences and suffer so much! I am really glad I read this article because now I am more aware of what is happening in the world and more aware that we need to change our way of living or the consequences will be HUGE!
Maria Rubio.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Human Aging Gene Found In Flies

Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) have found a fast and effective way to investigate important aspects of human aging.
Scientists have discovered a gene in fruit flies that means flies can now be used to study the effects aging has on DNA. This is something really important because it can help find out solutions for things like aging at cellular.
Scientists also made an experiment, they were studying a disease that helps understand normal aging. What happens is if one gene changes, it means that then people will age quickly.
This can be test in flies, but there are still not results for developing this genes in human bodies, but if it works it can be very helpful to know more about human beings and a new way of discovered and preventing diseases, and changes with humans.
Dr Robert Saunders from The Open University added: "This work shows for the first time that we can use the short-lived fruit fly to investigate the function of an important human aging gene. We have opened up the exciting possibility of using this model system to analyse the way that such genes work in a whole organism, not just in single cells.”
This gene is known as WRN.

I think that it is really interesting to see how animals can be so similar to human beings, because I think this is not the first time that some kind of cells or genes are find in humans and animals, and with this, there are more chances to get to know why or how diseases can be cured, without experimenting with humans, it can be try in animals, even though sometimes I think that shouldn't be done either because animals are alive too and they can suffer as humans can, but in animals like flies, I think it's ok because there are a lot of them and they reproduce fast, and testing in them, can save lives, and help in science to make new discoveries.

Marcela Murillo Trujano

Monday, May 12, 2008

Spider named after canadian singer


This must be one of the gobstopping thing I have seen this week. A spider...named after a canadien singer. This particular article is related to the study of insects and so this is why i am posting it. Other from the name of this creature, I was interested to see what kind of spider it was. The article I read was more mesmerized that it was named after a famous singer than that they actually found a new species of spider. The article did not mention anything about, if it is poisenous or any such information. The only thing they were interested in was the singer. I was disappointed.. but it is an interesting thing to read about. I would research this spider and tell you all the information, but all the articles say the same thing. It is not really information on the spider, it is a biography of the singer. I may be over reacting, and the only reason they don't say anything is beacuse there is no information, but from now on, when i read an article, I hope is sticks to the point (as I have not done) instead of sidetracking.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Platypus genome reveals links between reptiles, mammals

Scientist still don’t know what to do about the duck billed platypus it is a mammal that lyes eggs. They are saying that they are understanding this animal a bit better now after this genome. A time of scientist form the universities of Ornithorhynchus is comparing the platypus with other mammals so they mite find something. They are saying that the platypus appears as an animal looks. Francis Collins, the director of the U.S.-based National Human Genome Research Institute said comparing the platypus and other animals will help us understand our self’s better. They found out that the platypus contains about the same number of protein-coding genes like other mammals they approximately 18,500 protein-coding genes and it shares about 80% of its genes with other mammals. But the scientist where interested in the deferents. With matching the platypus genes with other mammals they found out that it was the crossroads between early mammal-like reptiles and of the other mammals we see today. They did a genetic analyzing and found out that it had slimmer portion milk genes that is just one of its many slimmer genes. They found out that males can give venom through the hind legs and it is slimmer to reptiles but independently. It was published form the newspaper company journal Nature and people on the time came from United States, Australia, England, Germany, Israel, Japan, New Zealand and Spain.

I like this project:

Because they found out that the platypus is one of the few animals that are between reptiles and mammals. So they can now find more about the genes of it and of us because if they find out enough of the genes they can find out more about us humans that would revolve to a new area of understanding us humans.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scientists Build Nano Hot Rods

This article is about university students making a way to mace microspic nanobots. They will be able to help people in their drugs and cleaning water from distant lands. A nanomachine is a small device that is less than one micron in size (one millionth of a meter). They hope that they will be able to help target the delivery of drugs in the system to the proper places. For example, if a patient has cancer the drugs would be directed to the cancer cells. The only problem is that the nanomachines aren't very fast. So more research needs to be done so that imporvements can be done to the machines. There has been money awarded to do more research on these tiny bots.

I find that this is a great idea because it could help people that are dying across the oceans and would just help with clean water. Also, it would help with drugs as well. If we gave trillions of these nanobots across the ocean it would be so helpful.

Quake Shakes Tokyo

Japan's capital was hit Thursday morning by a nearby 6.8-magnitude earthquake that injured two and left some 2,100 residents in the dark.
Japan was rocked by a series of earthquakes thursday about 100 miles (160 kilometers) from Tokyo that injured two, cut off power to some 2,100 homes, and left the country on high alert for possible aftershocks. The largest quake hit at 1:45 a.m. local time in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Ibaraki Prefecture and measured 6.8 on the Ritcher Scale.
No major damage has been reported, and the two injuries are not believed to be serious. Highway officials lowered the speed limit as a precaution, although they had not detected any cracks in roads from the quake, which struck offshore at a depth of 25 miles (40 kilometers), according to the United States.
In mi opinion
I think that this is a very serious natural disaster that oviosly can't be controled, but what we can do is to send money or food to all this people that got homeless.

Skeletons found near Plains of Abraham

This article is about two nearly intact human skeletons discovered near the Plains of Abraham last winter date back to the 19th century or earlier.
Construction workers found the bones last February while breaking ground for new washroom facilities on the plains, a natural plateau outside Quebec city's fortified walls.
Archeologists confirm the remains belong to a teenaged boy and an older woman.
the bones of the teen ege boy are in perfect conditions, the team of archeologists hired by the National Battlefields Commission to investigate the bones.
It's the first time a burial site has been discovered on the plains. There are no official records of any burial grounds in the park, where British troops confronted the French in the 1759 Battle of Quebec.
mi opinion
in my opinion i think that is really cool thet is the first time they had find this kind of stuff in Quebec, and that they should keep searching about this because with this kinds of stuff we can learn more about the past and think more like our ancestors.

In the Plains of Abraham two skeletons were found by to drain pipes when they were digging into the ground. The skeletons were of a teenage boy and they think her mother. They think they were buried in the 19th century which a long time ago was so they probably will not fined the killer. The construction workers found them why making a new washroom for the homeowner, the police think that they weren’t murdered but they died and got buried in two coffins, the construction head has never seen anything like this. What do I think of this? I think it is good that they found the bodies because maybe someone was looking for them or something else, but I think this story is kind of gross.


Connections to an untethered future

The new Iphone from apple is a great new invention because it has all kinds of features like a phone and music, games, videos, internet, GPS system, text messages and a touch screen and more on it. But you can’t get this awesome apple feature for cheap, this cost 600$ dollars. They say that it changes how people monitor the world. The inventor of this Iphone is Marin Solijacic from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Why would you by this? It is better then carrying all those features around when you can carry it in one. Why would I buy one? Because they are really cool and a good piece of machinery too. What do I think of this? I think it is an awesome idea and apple is making tons of money off of it and there other things they are selling, so yes I think it is a good idea.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Climate change claims caribou calves: study

Climate change claims caribou calves: study

Fewer caribou are being born and dieing in west Greenland because of warming. That what a US biologist said. Penn State biology professor Eric Post started to collect data in 1993 and found out that the timing of food and birth and don’t correspond any more and that roughly 75 per cent mange to get to adulthood. They are going to translate the publish meant in and it is going to get publish at 12, 2008 July. When the babies are born and they go look for food the plants are starting to grow and then most of them can’t grow next year again and scientists call this a "trophic mismatch." In the winter the caribou dig in the snow where they find lichens and then in spring they switch to grassing and growth of willows, sedges, and flowering tundra herbs. Now that the birth rate increases they go to the areas where there is plenty of food for them. But now they nodes that there plant that they eat are already peeking it doesn’t depend on day light it depends on heat and if it hotter they grow faster so the caribou don’t have nothing more to eat. There is some miss matches already with some Dutch brides and there food is caterpillar prey that’s the same thing like by the caribou. It is happing so often now that you could say that it is like a eye blink that some thing like that happens.

What I don’t like about this:

That Clemet change is killing more and more animals. That these miss matches are happening so fast that more things will change faster then we will expect. That will mean the caribou cloud die out ore the plant that they are eating rate now and that goes for almost every animal.

Monday, May 5, 2008

fish in problems, humans too!!!

We know everything that global warming is doing than include the oceans, we know that currents are changing, natural disasters are occurring, and in some time the ocean can cover almost all the land we live in, but did you know that thanks to global warming also most of the marine life in it can be in total danger?
Warmer oceans contain less oxygen, as the globe has warmed, this warm oceans have less and less oxygen, meaning that less and less sea animals that can live in their natural and healthy environment, meaning more and more sea animals dying!
This is a huge chain that started from the humans not taking care of the Earth and because of that, the global warming, then to the oceans, after, to the marine life in the oceans and then back again to the humans because if there is not enough fish, then the whole marine animals food chain will be messed up, allot of this sea species in danger, the millions of industries of fishing and selling fish will be in problems and this is a chain that goes on and on.

My opinion:
I think this is a very important article, and it really makes you think because it shows you the consequences of the human’s actions (not taking care of the environment), it shows you that because of the humans a problem was made, and that problem lead to another one and another one etc... I think if we don’t stop this, later it is going to be too late, and huge consequences will come! I thought this article was shocking because it reminded me of all the things that could happen if we don’t put a stop or come up with a solution! I thought this was a very interesting article and I liked it a lot!
Maria Rubio

Sunday, May 4, 2008

BlackBerry shares rise on SAP partnership, product rumours

This article is about how the Blackberry new flip-phone is making stock prices for shares of the software company SAP at a record high level.rising 2.8 percent. The company RIM sais they were teaming up with SAP to promote a new wireless service through the Blackberry. There was a rise in in the market over this possible new version of the Blackberry. This new phone would expand markets for both companies.

My opinion is that this is a great idea because of the new flip phone will be very popular because lots of teenagers will want to buy this product even though it is designed more for business use.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Infinity M

The new Infinity M has 30 technologies. What is it? It is a car that was made by Infinity in 2007 I think. Some features, very comfortable, leather seats, very powerful it has 325 horse power v8 engine, they say in there test it goes really fast and can get you to places very quick ( if there are no cops out). Why did they name it the M, because it is a uniquely enigmatic feeling. What do I think of this? I think I would bye one so I could drive very fast and it is really good looking to.


Next decade may be cooler, not warmer

In this article you read about the changes of temperature that are going to happen in the next decade in the planet. As we all know, Global Warming is a huge problem that we heard about every day, but according to recent studies that scientists have made, the next decade is going to be cooler, because "they believe is an impending change in the Gulf Stream, the conveyor belt that transports warm surface water from the tropical Atlantic to the northern Atlantic and returns cold water southwards at depth."
This is a good thing because it will make the temperatures cool down in places like North Atlantic and in North America and Europe, and the temperatures in the Pacific will stay stable.
But there are also bad news, because in the next 20 years alone, the global climate would warm by around 0.2°C per decade.
The main reason for this is that the oceans, the biggest store of heat, go through natural cycles of circulation.

What I think about the article is that we could still have some hopes on the planet not getting warmer that it is now, to know that maybe the things will change if we really try to make a difference so that all the animals, and natural places that are being in danger because of GW can be back to normal and things in the planet wouldn't be as bad as they are now.
So I think we can stil make a difference to stop all the changes that are happening with the temperature of the planet right now, so we can have a better way of life and live in better conditons.

by: Marcela Murillo Trujano

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life on Mars?

This article was about if there is life on Mars. It said that the Mariner landed on mars and scooped up some dirt and then did some research on it. The first test was a success but the second one showed traces of hydrogen peroxide in the dirt. Leading scientists to believe that there is no life on Mars. I think they could have done just a little more research on the dirt. I mean think about it, it would be the biggest discovery in the history of mankind actual artificial life on another planet. We could communicate with them learn their ways. Or we could make everyone’s worst fear come true, war with aliens. Life on Mars?

This article was about if there is life on Mars. It said that the Mariner landed on mars and scooped up some dirt and then did some research on it. The first test was a success but the second one showed traces of hydrogen peroxide in the dirt. Leading scientists to believe that there is no life on Mars. I think they could have done just a little more research on the dirt. I mean think about it, it would be the biggest discovery in the history of mankind actual artificial life on another planet. We could communicate with them learn their ways. Or we could make everyone’s worst fear come true, war with aliens. lol
Life on Mars?

This article was about if there is life on Mars. It said that the Mariner landed on mars and scooped up some dirt and then did some research on it. The first test was a success but the second one showed traces of hydrogen peroxide in the dirt. Leading scientists to believe that there is no life on Mars. I think they could have done just a little more research on the dirt. I mean think about it, it would be the biggest discovery in the history of mankind actual artificial life on another planet. We could communicate with them learn their ways. Or we could make everyone’s worst fear come true, war with aliens. Life on Mars?

This article was about if there is life on Mars. It said that the Mariner landed on mars and scooped up some dirt and then did some research on it. The first test was a success but the second one showed traces of hydrogen peroxide in the dirt. Leading scientists to believe that there is no life on Mars. I think they could have done just a little more research on the dirt. I mean think about it, it would be the biggest discovery in the history of mankind actual artificial life on another planet. We could communicate with them learn their ways. Or we could make everyone’s worst fear come true, war with aliens. lol

Monday, April 28, 2008

150-Year-Old Computer Brought to Life [Slideshow]

Designed nearly 150 years ago but never actually built until recently, the Difference Engine No. 2 designed by Charles Babbage (1791 to 1871) is a piece of Victorian technology meant to tussle with logarithms and trigonometry long before the first modern computer. Technophiles have a rare opportunity beginning May 10 to see one of these devices (only two exist) on display at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. Babbage's automatic computing engine consists of 8,000 bronze, cast iron and steel parts, weighs five tons, and measures eleven feet (3.4 meters) long and seven feet (2.1 meters) high. Museum guest curator Doron Swade used Babbage's own plans to bring the engine to life. Babbage is also credited with inventing the cowcatcher, dynamometer, standard railroad gauge and heliograph ophthalmoscope as well as uniform postal rates, occulting lights for lighthouses and Greenwich time signals.

My Opinion

I think that It would be fairly impossible to make a 150 year old computer come back to life because its inside mechanism is so old that I think it would be mote impossible to fix it because of how old it is. But I still think its amazing as to how he made the computer come back to life.

Coldplay to give fans free taste of new album

This article is about a band that is named ColdPlay, Starting Tuesday morning, the hit British band's new song, Violet Hill, will be offered as a free digital download from its official website for one week.
Violet Hill is the first song off of Coldplay's new 10-track album, Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends, which will hit stores June 12.
they are also saying that there will be a free consert on monday you can find more ditails in their web side.
They also say thet they are giving a knew copy of their album to every perso who buys a ticket for the concert.
In October, British rock icon Radiohead shocked the music industry by debuting its newest album, In Rainbows, as a digital download on its website for whatever price fans chose to pay including for free, before eventually releasing a physical CD.
The British group is seen as the highest profile recording.
This group have a large amount of fans.
In my opinion this is a really good article because musik is something i really like and care about, and havig articles of a famous band in the sciense blogger makes it really impotant and make us also thing that sciense is not just tecnology its also what you like.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

150-Year-Old Computer Brought to Life

This article is about people building a computer from 150 year old design by Charles Babbage. Now they are able to see what they did back in the years of 1791-1871. The "old" computer is now on display in Mountain View, California in the museum of computer history where it was built by the museum's guest curator, Doron Swade. It weigns five tons with copper and cast iron parts. It is measured seven feet high and eleven feet long. It is in working order. Babbage has also been credited with inventing many other things such as; cowcatcher, dynamometer, and standard railroad gauge, among many others.

My opinion of this is that this is great news. We can learn about things that our ancestors thought of and planned. it turns out that they were much more advanced than we thought. Wow, imagine a five ton computer on your desk! That could be interesting to write an essay or even a blog!

Praise or Cash?

This article talks about how your brain reacts in the same way when you get money, or when someone gives you a compliment.
The study was made by a japaneese doctor and his group of scientists. They gave 19 healthy people cards, telling them that if they won they were going to get cash, and later they gave other people a compliment, and their brains reacted in the same way. For example, "Musicians' brains light up the same way whether rewarded by a crowd's applause or money. It's all part of wanting to belong, new research suggests " This was proved because they used a brain imaging technique known as functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI.
With both of them, triggered activity in a reward-related area of the brain.
This is something really important, because it helps to find out the social behavior of people such as altruism, saying that "the need to belong is essential for humans".

I really liked this article because I never imagined that something like this could be tested. Even though I think the results were kind of predictable because of the time that we are living on. People care a lot of how people treat them, and also about money, I think those things are some of the ones that people care a lot of, even though there are a lot of other things that are more important than that.
But it is really interesting knowing about how the reactions on human beings can be showed and tested, to see how our brain works, and that with technology we are going to be able to know a lot of things that we could never imagine we were able to know about.

can eating decide if a baby will be a boy or a girl?

This article is informing us that Biologist in England experimented 740 first-time mothers on their pre-pregnancy eating habits and found that:
56 percent of those on high-calorie diets had sons
compared with 45 percent of those on leaner menus.

They also found out that it was not only calories that helped; but specific foods. "Prior to pregnancy, breakfast cereal, but no other food, was strongly associated with the childs sex" "Women producing male infants consumed more breakfast cereal than those with female infants."

Why does this happen?
It is really a mystery, that scientist are trying to find out but a scientist thinks that glucose may be the answer. Women who do not eat breakfast usually to have low levels of glucose, and other studies have shown that glucose helps the growth of male fetuses in vitro.
This scientists says that low glucose levels may indicate to the body that food is little (not enough), signaling that it would be better to produce a female fetus, which has been found to need less energy to grow. Scientists have also found that cows, deer and horses produce more male babies when they have bountiful diets.

my opinion
I think this is an interesting article, though at first I thought that it was not real, and I thought that it was not possible to have a babie and the sex would be different depending of what you ate, but after reading all the article, and thinking about it, it doesent seem that impossible, because if you think about it, the babie recieves almost everything you eat if you are pregnant, and the food helps the babie grow and develop, and in the article it says that it is prooven that a female fetus needs les energy to develop or grow. So after reading the article I think that it is really interesting and i think that it can be true, though i dont think food can affect or decide completly what sex the babie is going to be, i think it can affect, and it is really possible! I did ot have an idea of this and i found it really interesting, I likes the article alot and would like to learn more about it!
Maria Rubio

150-Year-Old Computer Brought to Life [Slideshow]

150-Year-Old Computer Brought to Life [Slideshow]

A man design a computer a 150 years ago but they never built it and he cold it the Difference Engine No. 2 design by Charles Babbage (1791 to 1871) piece of Victorian technology meant as an big calculator toy for rich people. This computer was long built then any modern computer. Technophiles have a rare chance of seeing one of them only tow exist. They can see it on display in the computer history museum in Mountain View, Calif. Babbage's automatic uses 8,000 bronze iron pieces and steel parts, weighs five tons, and measures eleven feet (3.4 meters) long and seven feet (2.1 meters) high. Doron Swade used the plans of Babbage to bring it to live. Babbage is also crated for the cowcatcher, dynamometer, standard gauge and heliograph ophthalmoscope and some other once but his best is the computer.

What I liked about this project:

That they brought a 150 year old computer back to life and that a lot of people can see what they did 150 years ago whit out the things we have know. What I found good too that they went after the plan of Babbage so it is the real one that was dissent a 150 years ago and we can learn a lot form this computer. Because of that wee can see how some of them fourth 150 years ago.

Friday, April 25, 2008


A Solar Grand Plan

Some people think that that electricity should be used more and less gas because we are eventually going to run out. One quick fact in 2050 the whole usa could be powered by solar power. They would put in the desert one because pretty much now one lives there and two there is a lot of sun. In 2007 there were 6.9 billion barrels of oil if we don’t change in 2050 there will be 10.9 but if we do change there will be 2.7 that is a lot better. Another one, in 2007 there was billion tons of carbon dioxide was 6.1 in 2050 if we don’t change 9.4 and if we do change 2.3. What do I think of this? This will help the world so much it is the best idea ever.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Canadians increasingly chatting it up on cellphones: StatsCan

this article is about how many Canadians are using cell phones.

Less than a quarter of Canadian households now rely solely on land-line phone service, as the steady shift to cellphones and other alternatives continues, new figures show.
Only 3.1 million households 24 per cent of Canadian households had just land line phone service in December, according to the latest residential telephone service survey by Statistics Canada. That's down from 3.7 million households, or 29.6 per cent, a year earlier.They say that most households still use land line phones but the number is going down as more consumers switch to alternative forms of phone communication.Stats canada say that 72.4 per cent of households are now using at least one cellphone, up from 67.1 per cent in the prior year's survey. it says that more people are using cell phones and abandon their land line phones.surveys found 6.4 per cent of Canadian households rely on cellphones as their only form of telephone service, up from 5.1 per cent in 2006.

i think that this isn't really a bad thing, because u don't want to be stuck at home all day waiting for a call to come in, what if they never even call, and u want to go out,but you cant because you have to wait for the person to call. just get a cell phone and thats how they can reach u if they really need to.

maybe im to addicted to cell phones but thats what i think.

Saint John zoo pleads for return of baby monkey

this article is a about a young monkey getting stolen from a zoo in saint johns.on tuesday night a young Callimico goeldii monkey was stolen from the cherry Brooke zoo in saint johns.this monkey was not even one.The staff say that this isn't just monkey business. The theft of this incident has appeared to use a hacksaw and kicked a heavy, padlocked door open. They say the monkey is black and really tiny obviously,because it is not even 1 years old. This little monkey was part of an international breeding program,adding,the zoo wont press any charges if the monkey is returned."We will not give a name, just please, please bring this animal back," Collrin said.They say that the little monkey needs special feed and should be with parents and can also carry disease, It has upper and lower canine teeth. It can inflict damage and it's terrorized right now," she said.
in my opinion i think that whoever took the poor little monkey should take it back because it has to have special food for itself and needs parents and siblings just like we do,plus their saying it can also have a disease, and in case they brought it to Canada i don't want to be diagnosed with monkey germs..hehe..

Monday, April 21, 2008

Consumer Alert: Plastics in Baby Bottles May Pose Health Risk

The reason: a growing number of studies show that exposure to low levels of BPA during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood may affect normal development and "sensitivity to onset of disease later in life, most particularly the potential for mammary and prostate cancer," says NTP associate director John Bucher, a toxicologist. "Exposure to BPA in utero tends to cause the differences between males and females you typically see to diminish." BPA has been used in the U.S. and worldwide since the 1950s as an essential building block of the polycarbonate plastic in water bottles as well as in epoxy resins used to line cans to prevent corrosion and food contamination; more than 2.3 billion pounds (one billion kilograms) of BPA are manufactured annually in the U.S. and more than three million metric tons of it are used worldwide in a year. The NTP found that, contrary to manufacturers' previous claims, humans are exposed to significant levels of BPA. Hentges admits that "there are several studies where there's limited evidence [of harm in animals]," but adds that he doesn't believe "there's a scientific basis to take action." Canadian officials say that more studies will be done, including monitoring some 5,000 pregnant women and their babies for BPA exposure levels. In the U.S. industry, academics and government officials also plan to conduct more research, including analyses of how BPA interacts with the human body and its effects on development in pregnant macaques.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

polar bears dying becasue of global warming, global warming because of humans!

This articele is telling us about polar bears in the artic dying every day, because of global warming!
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at almost twice the rate of that of the rest of the world, and it is threatening to place the entire Arctic ecosystem in jeopardy. For the polar bear, an irreplaceable symbol of the Arctic, climate change could lead to their extinction.
The polar bear depends on sea ice to survive, hunting for seal until the ice disappears every summer. As climate warming reduces the ice, the polar bear loses precious hunting time, and ends up dying or the polar bear has no place to rest after a huge amount of time swimming, and finally dies because there was no ice and ends up drowning, the number of polar bears is declining every day!!!

How can this stop? Global warming is the reason of this happening, and who can we blame for global warming? Only us, all the humans. Since many many years ago, people (scientists etc) started warning people about global warming, and all the consequences it would bring. People did not listen and continued living the same life without worrrying a bit of what would happen, and today, people are seeing the consequences and if it is not too late to change, people should change or soon its going to be too late, and we will regret it and maybe will not be able to do anything!

I think its really important to think about what this article is saying. Global warming is actually happening, and sometimes with the life we have, we forget everything that is happening outside the bubble we live in! I think this kind of article is really good because it makes you think, and remember that people and animals, and pretty much the whole world is suffering so much because of global warming even if we dont notice it! I think everyone should do something to help, or not to get things worse than they already are, because for me, everything that is happening and that may happen really soon because of global warming, is very scary, because maybe today we live a perfect life but in a few years, maybe we will be suffering so much! I think everything that is happening to polar bears is really sad, and we should do something, maybe even if it is small, to try and stop this! I liked this article alot because it made me think!! I thought it was really interesting!!!
Maria Rubio!

Patrick Breaks Auto Racing Barrier

This article is about the first american woman danica patrick wining the major auto race on sunday.
she used a successful fuel stragady to capture an Indycar series event in motegi, japan.It says she won the race by almost 6 seconds over helio castroneves, the 2 time indianpolis 500 winner. Patrick who is 26 in 2005 became the first woman to lead the Indy 500, won in her 50th IndyCar Series start. Three drivers ahead of her had to stop for fuel late in the race, and Patrick took the lead from Castroneves on the 198th of 200 laps.
Patrick that is 5 foot 2,hundred pounds, moved to the poweful team co-owned by michael andretti last year won the third race of the IndyCar Series season. She credited her team for implementing the fuel strategy she needed to win the race.She said “Finally! This is a long time coming,” in an interview in Victory Lane.she said it was a fuel stragady race, but my team called it perfectly for me.I know I was on the same strategy as Helio and when I passed him for the lead, I couldn’t believe it. This is fabulous.”said patrick.

i think this is a really good thing for a woman to win a really big race like this.There should be more woman drivers in america even in canada,because people dont really think woman can do this ind of thing. i have to admit i like cars and i would race if i could.

Salty, Old and, Perhaps, a Sign of Early Life

In this article, it talks abouit how scientists found out that where the desert is now in New Mexico there was a big ocean, that dried but that left salt that has molecules of cellulose in it, that is what makes up plant-cell walls, so with this they can look at stuff and things that existed even before dinosaurs.
So Because the molecule is made by living organisms, its presence in the salt deposit is evidence that some kind of ancient organism made the cellulose trapped inside.
To find out the molecules, scientists took materials from the salt to put them in a solution that would kill everything exept for cellulose. So The research team used radioactive dating to determine that the salt crystals—and the cellulose inside of them—formed more than 250 million years ago. In all that time, the crystals have hardly changed.
The findings tell the research team that ancient salt deposits like these might be ideal for preserving ancient molecules, which are signs of early life.
The evidence says that the organisms that live before and that the molecules that their bodies had, broke down really easily because of sunlight, or other living things that diggested them.
So there is a special name for scientists that study this kind of things, like the molecules, and the science they study is call astrobiology, that means the study of life in the universe, so they are trying to look for things like life in other planets, and in other universe, and to answer questions about life in space, like does something exists now, or does something existed in the past? and that kind of stuff.
Because they are interesting things that make this posible like Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa once had oceans, so maybe they had the salt depossits too, so maybe there was life in those planets too, but theres nothing that we can know for sure...

What I think about this research, is that there are a lot of things that can be connected between out planet Earth and some other planets in the Universe, just like Mars, so I think that if more research like this is done, maybe a lot of more proofs can be find to know if there has been life in some other planets and to compare them one to another, to see how different one planet can be from another one.
But I also find this really interesting becuase I didn't have any idea that the molecules in the salt could tell you more about life a long time ago, of the organisms that lived before we did, so I find this really interesting, to find new ways of discovering life in the past, to really now more about how was it before we (humans) started living in Earth, and how was life before, and to know the reasons because it changed and how and why did things happened.

by: Marcela Murillo Trujano

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Unleashing the Bugs of War

This article is about people trying to take over the world with bugs. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) will use bugs as aweapon against every single person that they go to war with. They will be able to watch every single move the enemy makes by using these cyborg bugs. They put mechanical components into bugs in their early stages of life so that as they grow they will heal and adapt to their new parts. These cybog bugs can be used for watching enemies as they will be like small cameras. I think what they should use instead of flying bugs they should use cockroaches because they can't die from nuclear bombs.

My opinion about this is that this is a great idea because these bugs could be planted everywhere and check on anyone. It could be a type of defence so that they can find out in advance if for instance there is an assassination attempt on the President. The United States, what will they think of next?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Better Sleep Aid

What is it?

It is a sleeping pill that is not dangerous, see about nine years ago researchers discovered that the sudden spells of sleepiness which is called narcolepsy were caused by a deficit of a brain peptide called orexin. It was discovered in Allschwil, Switzerland, 0drug test say that it works on human’s fine. What do I think of it? I think it is a big help because if people did not get enough sleep then they would not have any energy then in awhile they would die because they were too tired.

Ryan smith

The Kawasaki teryx 750 recreational utility vehicle

What is it? It is a four wheeler with a roof, it has a v-twin engine it has 749cc,

it is a single cylinder engine. It can travel through a lot of things, how do they now, because they did a test run in southern Utah and it worked really good. What do I think of it? I think it is really cool and I would bye one but only if it did not have a roof
ryan smith

Antibiotic aligator

I have come across many weird things in my days but this is at the top of the list. An alligator that contains proteins in its blood that shows promising signs of fighting blood diseases. This is an extraordinary discovery partly because it is inside an alligator. I can get finding a cure but having found an alligator that contains blood that may save peoples lives. That is two things to me...weird and cool! This could mean a treatment for E. Coli. I know I always bring this somewhat annoying topic up but hopefully this does not turn out like I am legend. Now when read about cures I'll think twice about rejoicing and letting my guard down. They found traces of antibiotics which can treat yeast infection which is a big problem in Canada. This is a simple solution for these diseases but if it works I fear the worst for the unlucky alligators who have to be taken into confinement to harvest their blood to help us. This is a great discovery but lets not get carried away and destroy the alligator population.

People trying to rekindle Pluto for a planet

First of all I think Pluto should have never been a planet in the first place and since its two moons are almost the same size it will never become a planet for years. A planet has a an atmospere, it orbits the sun. Although pluto does do this it does it at an extremely small rate. It is not a planet but it is a dwarf. If you want Pluto to become a planet don't arrgue with me, ask the astronomers and they well tell a whole lot of reasons that I will never think of. Pluto's moons are almst bigger than Pluto itself showing that it should not have been a planet in the first place. There is not alot I can say about this topic but let me leave you with this. PLUTO WILL MEVER BECOME A PLANET

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Can the Brain Be Rebooted to Stop Drug Addiction?

Scientists for the first time have identified long-term changes in mice brains that may shed light on why addicts get hooked on drugs.
Researchers, using fluorescent tracer dye, discovered that mice given methamphetamines for 10 days (roughly equivalent to a human using it for two years) had suppressed activity in a certain area of their brains. Much to their surprise, normal function did not return even when the drug was stopped, but did when they administered a single dose of it again after the mice had been in withdrawal.
Previous research has shown that the drug stimulates nerve cells in the midbrain to release dopamine into the synapses (connections between neurons) in the striatum. Dopamine (which is connected to reward processing, motivation and attention) is one of the brain's primary neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers by which one neuron triggers its neighbor to fire a nerve impulse.
In my opinion drugs are something really addicting.
I think that the peapole doing this are really helping the world because drugs even do you dont take them they afect everyone.

Gasp! Scientists find first lung less frog

Gasp! Scientists find first lung less frog

Researches working in Borneo have found the only lung less frog. In the national university of Singapore biologist David Bickford said that the frog has an amazing ability to breathe through it skin. The tiny frog measures 40mm and it weight 6.5 gram was found in western Kalimantan, Indonesia in August. The frog lives in clod, rushing water and is so rare that only two specimens had bin found previously. They don’t want to sacrifice the frogs that they find so Bickfrod’s team where the first to find out that the species was lung less. They didn’t use the traditional way of finding frogs Bickfrod said and they aren’t sure about seize of the population. They accidentally found it Bickfrod said in an e-mail to take some samples to do some DNA work with it. When they found the frog they all where septic about it bout when they found out they all where shocked. They looked at four of them and all four had know lungs. The frog gets all its air thought it skin and only amphibians are known to have know lungs.

Frogs may have lost lungs for survival

They say it adaptation to it environment because of where it lives it is hard to sink with lungs full of air. In cold water there is more air in the water then in warm water so that means that the frogs skin get more contact with the air in the water. It would have gotten swept away with lungs and cold blooded mammals don’t need so much oxygen. The finding clouds help to learn more about lung development and the genes that regulate tumour suppression. If it sill has the building blocks of organs then could find useful applications of the genes they could go under novel and unique mutation. Now it is guess work for them but it could work.

Frog’s future is ‘grim’

The illegal gold mining can kill them. It is interiorly our flout if we want to learn some thing from it we should help protect it. We know shockingly little about these animals.

What I like about this project:

That they found a new species of frogs and that it has know lungs. That it can brief thought it skin and that we can loran a lot from it because of its body built.

What I don’t like about this project:

Is that we are killing it by getting gold. That we don’t know much about them.

Foul Play?

The article talks about how scientists have found out that genes can affect with athletes when they take steroids to better in sports.
It explains that some persons don't produce proteins because of some gens that can be missing, so at the time that the drug tests are being done, then it can happen that the people that took them don't get in trouble and that the person that doesn't can: "That's what happens in this case. Scientists in Sweden found that some people completely lack the gene that produces the protein UGT2B17. It's an enzyme that prepares testosterone to be flushed from the body in the urine. They then showed how this genetic variation could affect the outcome of doping tests."
It also explains that testosterone is hormone that makes changes in boys when they are passing throgh puberty, so that a lot of steroids are made of it.
To know if testerone is from steroids or if it is from the normal one produced by the body, scientist check the ratios of chemicals in the urine.
So this is a way to find out if athletes are cheating or if it's just a confussion.

I think this is a really good idea, because if one athlete is taking drugs to be better and be a cheater, but he doesn't get caught because of the natural production of testosterone in his body, and he gets in trouble because of that, is something really unfair, especially if another athlete that has been doing drugs doesn't get caught.
So this method can make it all a lot more fair for everyone, knowing that the results will be exact so that they wouldn't be any more injustices, because I think that by now, some of these things are already happening and it has to be stopped, because if someone is trying really hard and always practicing to be better, it would be really unfair is he or she gets out of a competition, and a cheater wins.

Marcela Murillo

beer bellies and thunder thighs

Beer bellies and thunder thighs.

This article talked about why some men have “beer bellies” and some women have “thunder thighs”. It said that most women have fat around their reproductive organs because they need it if they are going to have a child to make good milk. I think that it is true, but they don’t need to become totally overweight and they should get into shape after they have the child. The article also stated that a “beer belly” is not actually from to much beer. It has to do something with when humans were gatherers; if they got attacked by a bear the fat would protect them from harm. I think this is absolutely ridiculous because the bear would kill the person before the person could kill the bear.

even whales have predators: ships

This is an article that is informing us of this new movement or solution that some people are trying to make to protect whales. It may seem that whales do not have to hide or run away from anything, but that is wrong, scientists have found a huge amount of whales dead around charleston harbour which is a place with a huge amount of shipping, and also a huge amount of whales that pass throught there every year, scientist founs so many whales like this because they were hit by ships, all whales have to go to surface and becasue of all the ships, the probability of them being hit is not small.

Why is it important to worry about this?

Whales are in extintion, they are very few of them, and they are a huge important part of the sea food chain and enviorment, we have to protect them, they are very important and consecuenses could come if they become extint, people cant let that happen!

Ships are one of the two leading causes of unnatural death among right whales, and scientists have warned that the unnatural death of even one breeding female has the potential to tip the species toward extinction. From 2002 to 2006, there were 17 confirmed deaths by ship strike, at least six involving adult females.

What is the solution that this article is talking about?

In an effort to stop this problem, the National Marine Fisheries Service has tried to impose speed limits on ships within 30 miles of port. But the White House has delayed approval of the rule, which is opposed by some shipping companies, it has been a year after this and still, the white house has not approved this rule and whales keep dying!

my opinion
I think this article is very good because it shows and makes you think about the whales, and how can they become extinct, this article made me angry because after reading everything about the whales and how they are dying, I found out that the government is doing nothing at all to stop it, when they should be the first ones trying to solve this! I think that the idea of putting a speed limit is very reasonable, because whales could see a ship is coming becasue like the article said, ships are going at a extrmely high speed and the whale goes out and doesent see anything and suddenly a ship with alot of speed comes, that is the problem, and the solution that the National Marine Fisheries Service is trying to apply is really good but people with shipping companies are too sellfish to accept that they have to have this new rule and even if they are loosing a little bit of money, they would be saving a part of the enviorment, and what gets me really mad is that they wont even consider it, people that care about it have been trying to accomplish this for more than a year, and they have got nothing, and I really do think that if this continues a little bit more, it will be too late, and then the government will realize it and will be willing to make some rules or to try to stop it, but maybe it will be too late and they will regret it, so I think if there must be a change it should be now, that it can still be controlled! I liked this artice because now I know that this is happening with whales and that we must protect them, i would like to learn more about it, its really interesting!!!

maria rubio!

Turning Pollution into DVDs

This article talks about the fact that scientists have found a new way to deal with carbon dioxide produced from coal-fired power plants. They have developed a way of turning the carbon dioxide into hard plastics. The type of plastic used for DVD's or soda bottles. There is one problem however. In order to do this, they need high amounts of energy that would produce more carbon dioxide which really wouldn't solve anything. So, to do this they need to find a way of using a different energy source such as solar. Another positive thing is that the pressure involved with the chemical reaction produes only one waste product, water.

My opinion is that this is a great new development. It will produce water which will help life overall. The fact that we will be able to get rid of carbon dioxide is also a good thing. We are destroying our planet and this will help greatly with the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

turning pollution into a DVD ? is it possible?

This article is informing us about what could be a great new discovery that could help the enviorment so much, researchers announced this week that they are perfecting a procedure designed to turn pollution into a type of plastic used to make everything from DVDs to eyeglass lenses! What they are finding is a way to capture pollution which includes: carbon dioxide, emissions from coal-fired power plants and other sources, the goal is instead of releasing all this bad stuff into the atmosphere or burying it underground, put it into the materials to make a dvd, eyeglass, or a window!

Reaserchers said that the only waste product of these chemical reactions was water, which is awesome, the wnviorment would be so much better ,But the processes its not all perfect for the enviorment it does have a downside: coaxing the carbon dioxide molecules to form longer chains (capturing pollution) requires high temperatures and great pressure—and, so, extra energy, so what this means is that even if they are taking huge amount of pollution, in the process to do that they are making so much pollution because of the energy used. So what is the solution?
If they could manage to produce this energy with other good for the enviorment energy alternatives like solar or wind power to fuel it, this would be the perfect solution!

"We need alternative sources for energy, in that event, everything from soda bottles to police riot shields might one day help sequester some of the most common greenhouse gas currently warming and affecting the planet"

my opinion:
I think this is awesome! i think this research should continue until they finD the right form of energy, because if they did, so much of the pollution we have would dissapear! I think the person who thaught about this and started the research, should be really proud of him or herself because maybe thanks to this, the worls and enviorment could go from where it is (really bad) to a much better and healthier place! I really think there should be more people trying to find solutions like this one, because the enviormen is worse and worse every day , and we should try to find solutions now that we still can before its too late! i think this is really cool and really interesting! i liked this article so much!!
maria rubio!