Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scientists Build Nano Hot Rods

This article is about university students making a way to mace microspic nanobots. They will be able to help people in their drugs and cleaning water from distant lands. A nanomachine is a small device that is less than one micron in size (one millionth of a meter). They hope that they will be able to help target the delivery of drugs in the system to the proper places. For example, if a patient has cancer the drugs would be directed to the cancer cells. The only problem is that the nanomachines aren't very fast. So more research needs to be done so that imporvements can be done to the machines. There has been money awarded to do more research on these tiny bots.

I find that this is a great idea because it could help people that are dying across the oceans and would just help with clean water. Also, it would help with drugs as well. If we gave trillions of these nanobots across the ocean it would be so helpful.

Quake Shakes Tokyo

Japan's capital was hit Thursday morning by a nearby 6.8-magnitude earthquake that injured two and left some 2,100 residents in the dark.
Japan was rocked by a series of earthquakes thursday about 100 miles (160 kilometers) from Tokyo that injured two, cut off power to some 2,100 homes, and left the country on high alert for possible aftershocks. The largest quake hit at 1:45 a.m. local time in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Ibaraki Prefecture and measured 6.8 on the Ritcher Scale.
No major damage has been reported, and the two injuries are not believed to be serious. Highway officials lowered the speed limit as a precaution, although they had not detected any cracks in roads from the quake, which struck offshore at a depth of 25 miles (40 kilometers), according to the United States.
In mi opinion
I think that this is a very serious natural disaster that oviosly can't be controled, but what we can do is to send money or food to all this people that got homeless.

Skeletons found near Plains of Abraham

This article is about two nearly intact human skeletons discovered near the Plains of Abraham last winter date back to the 19th century or earlier.
Construction workers found the bones last February while breaking ground for new washroom facilities on the plains, a natural plateau outside Quebec city's fortified walls.
Archeologists confirm the remains belong to a teenaged boy and an older woman.
the bones of the teen ege boy are in perfect conditions, the team of archeologists hired by the National Battlefields Commission to investigate the bones.
It's the first time a burial site has been discovered on the plains. There are no official records of any burial grounds in the park, where British troops confronted the French in the 1759 Battle of Quebec.
mi opinion
in my opinion i think that is really cool thet is the first time they had find this kind of stuff in Quebec, and that they should keep searching about this because with this kinds of stuff we can learn more about the past and think more like our ancestors.

In the Plains of Abraham two skeletons were found by to drain pipes when they were digging into the ground. The skeletons were of a teenage boy and they think her mother. They think they were buried in the 19th century which a long time ago was so they probably will not fined the killer. The construction workers found them why making a new washroom for the homeowner, the police think that they weren’t murdered but they died and got buried in two coffins, the construction head has never seen anything like this. What do I think of this? I think it is good that they found the bodies because maybe someone was looking for them or something else, but I think this story is kind of gross.


Connections to an untethered future

The new Iphone from apple is a great new invention because it has all kinds of features like a phone and music, games, videos, internet, GPS system, text messages and a touch screen and more on it. But you can’t get this awesome apple feature for cheap, this cost 600$ dollars. They say that it changes how people monitor the world. The inventor of this Iphone is Marin Solijacic from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Why would you by this? It is better then carrying all those features around when you can carry it in one. Why would I buy one? Because they are really cool and a good piece of machinery too. What do I think of this? I think it is an awesome idea and apple is making tons of money off of it and there other things they are selling, so yes I think it is a good idea.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Climate change claims caribou calves: study

Climate change claims caribou calves: study

Fewer caribou are being born and dieing in west Greenland because of warming. That what a US biologist said. Penn State biology professor Eric Post started to collect data in 1993 and found out that the timing of food and birth and don’t correspond any more and that roughly 75 per cent mange to get to adulthood. They are going to translate the publish meant in and it is going to get publish at 12, 2008 July. When the babies are born and they go look for food the plants are starting to grow and then most of them can’t grow next year again and scientists call this a "trophic mismatch." In the winter the caribou dig in the snow where they find lichens and then in spring they switch to grassing and growth of willows, sedges, and flowering tundra herbs. Now that the birth rate increases they go to the areas where there is plenty of food for them. But now they nodes that there plant that they eat are already peeking it doesn’t depend on day light it depends on heat and if it hotter they grow faster so the caribou don’t have nothing more to eat. There is some miss matches already with some Dutch brides and there food is caterpillar prey that’s the same thing like by the caribou. It is happing so often now that you could say that it is like a eye blink that some thing like that happens.

What I don’t like about this:

That Clemet change is killing more and more animals. That these miss matches are happening so fast that more things will change faster then we will expect. That will mean the caribou cloud die out ore the plant that they are eating rate now and that goes for almost every animal.

Monday, May 5, 2008

fish in problems, humans too!!!

We know everything that global warming is doing than include the oceans, we know that currents are changing, natural disasters are occurring, and in some time the ocean can cover almost all the land we live in, but did you know that thanks to global warming also most of the marine life in it can be in total danger?
Warmer oceans contain less oxygen, as the globe has warmed, this warm oceans have less and less oxygen, meaning that less and less sea animals that can live in their natural and healthy environment, meaning more and more sea animals dying!
This is a huge chain that started from the humans not taking care of the Earth and because of that, the global warming, then to the oceans, after, to the marine life in the oceans and then back again to the humans because if there is not enough fish, then the whole marine animals food chain will be messed up, allot of this sea species in danger, the millions of industries of fishing and selling fish will be in problems and this is a chain that goes on and on.

My opinion:
I think this is a very important article, and it really makes you think because it shows you the consequences of the human’s actions (not taking care of the environment), it shows you that because of the humans a problem was made, and that problem lead to another one and another one etc... I think if we don’t stop this, later it is going to be too late, and huge consequences will come! I thought this article was shocking because it reminded me of all the things that could happen if we don’t put a stop or come up with a solution! I thought this was a very interesting article and I liked it a lot!
Maria Rubio

Sunday, May 4, 2008

BlackBerry shares rise on SAP partnership, product rumours

This article is about how the Blackberry new flip-phone is making stock prices for shares of the software company SAP at a record high level.rising 2.8 percent. The company RIM sais they were teaming up with SAP to promote a new wireless service through the Blackberry. There was a rise in in the market over this possible new version of the Blackberry. This new phone would expand markets for both companies.

My opinion is that this is a great idea because of the new flip phone will be very popular because lots of teenagers will want to buy this product even though it is designed more for business use.