Saturday, September 23, 2017

opinion and beliefs about life on other planets.

All around the world, there are different legends, story's or beliefs about life in space or on another planet. but this all depends on opinion and culture.

 Of course even if you don't believe in "aliens" or what not, you will be tempted to ask about them.

 As Neil deGrasse Tyson once wrote in an article "9 times out of ten when people find out you are an astrophysicist the first thing they ask you is related to out of earth life".

 The reason for this is interest in unknown subjects, all you can do in this situation is to have your beliefs.

this subject is very much like time, a lot of people study it but no one can actually know about it until its been solved.

Who know what we might know about aliens in 20 years, they might even be living on earth and they might not be as we have been perceiving them for all these years on television, in news or anywhere for that matter.     

1. what do you think about life in space and how may it help or disadvantage our planet and its technology?

2. Do you find the study of life on other planets interesting? Why?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

technology is taking over the world

 With all of the cool features, gadgets and innovations that come with technology, it dumbs down or replaces part of our collective humanity. It takes away our sense of personal interaction. It takes away our responsibility. Basically, Technology allows us to act less human.
As technology makes machines more life-like, it is slowly turning us humans into robot-like entities. The scary thing about this, is that we that are more and more subconsciously driven to allow this to happen.
People online can just leave a conversation and ignore what is written. Everyone online does what is “accepted as normal behavior” for the Internet.
 New rules emerge which deal with e-mail and chatting, for The internet has become a digital wild wild west where anything can happen. 
Look around and observe how we as users interact with each other as humans, using technology. are we losing touch with what it’s like to treat a human being like a person, instead of like an e-mail address or a screen name. The convenience of technology, the same convenience that allows us to share photos and find friends, also enables our worst habits to come to fruition in ways that would normally not exist. 
1. how do you think our society will become in 20 years with technology still advancing?
2.what would the world be like if there would be with without any of the electronics devices that we use daily, such as the famous so called Phone?Image result for Iphone samsung