Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ban Bully video game, activists say

Ban Bully video game, activists say

An anti-bullying committee wants to ban a video game because it is related to bullying.

Katie New and Robert Frenette who founded BullyingCanada.ca. They rote for all the victims: “on behalf of all the victims of bullying” sad New. On research they found out that violent video games can provoke bullying said New. A teacher went to other country to not sell this video game. The group asked its members to approach retailers.

As a teacher she said if I can to anything against bullying or violins it is good.

Just like high school

The game, an updated version of Bully released in 2006, features a 15-year-old student has to make him self a way in the new environment where there are cliques and bullies jump students in the halls. "This is an angst-filled game this is a simulation of the horrors high school there are no guns, no blood and no boosting of cars says Hilary Goldstein. You have to diplomacy or fighting, and you can even win kisses, from girls or boys. This is similar to teen TV drama. The bully’s will say it is fun but it instant fun to hurt other people. It would be help full to sell these games. The Canadian federation is trying to go with a British teacher group to not sell this video game. The Bully games were developed by Rock star Games of Vancouver, which also sells Grand Theft Auto.

I like this project because:

This will help to stop bullying a bit. I like it to because it will be a violent game less. So more people can under stand not to play violent games because you mite start bullying.

Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile

Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile

Bill Gates is helping a web companies to be successful. Will more people be encored to pursue careers in science and technology? They have a new teal that will let them bracts there work of over 19 million people. This allows them a lot more then linked casebook. Gates is planning the company’s footer. Microsoft solvent try buying Yahoo instead they should try to by other ones that aren’t so expensive. It has a take over that they goon to make a public stock in one ore tow years. Microsoft has invested $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake in Palo Alto-based Face book Inc., whose 66 million members make it the Internet's second largest social network behind News Corp.'s My Space. He stop looking using this web site because to many people try to become bill gates friend. They are gent block people to connect to him. The people like to look up UN him so he is gone to you this.

I like this project because:

Bill gates dose some thing help full for these people. So more people have jobs and other things.

Monday, March 3, 2008



When I read this article I was a little surprised by the fact that the U.S. is going to have to blow up a satellite or it will crash into earth. And also the fact that China and Russia have proposed a declaration saying no space weapons is pretty suspicious. But I think they should send some people onto the station with a bomb and blow it up, then they wouldn’t be breaking any declarations or promises. But of course they would be polluting the air more with the explosion from the bomb so either way it is bad.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Threat to frog population prompts Vancouver exhibit

This is about the that a number of frog species will become extinct within the next ten years has prompted the Vancouver Aquarium to hold a special exhibit to highlight the threat.
As a result, up to 2,000 frog species are expected to disappear during our lifetime, Nightingale said.
In vancuber they are going to make a exibition of frogs ,they hope the exhibit will inform the public of the threat to the global frog population.

They will be talking about how frogs and human lives interact , what we can do, each one of us, not just the aquarium but each one of us in our normal lives , to make the Lower Mainland a little more frog friendly.

my opinion

I think this is really good becose i thinkpeople dont know the importans of the animals they think there are problems more important but frogs are also in danger becose uf auer polution so we really need to care abaut them becose it could be posible that in 20 years frogs deapierd

Do Microbes Make Snow?

They are saying in this article that microbes are the cause of snow. In fact, they are a key part to the man-made snow found at many ski resorts, helping snow form at lower temperatures. They have done research throughout different parts of the world and they found many different types of microes such as; Pseudomonas syringae which infects crops such as wheat and corn. They have found more than 2,00o different microbes in the air above Texas alone. It is clear that there are definitely microbes in the sir but where they are coming from they aren't.

I think this is a good thing because if they could be used to make snow, possibly in the future they could make fake rain to help grow crops for many places that need it if they are in a drought situation. Perhaps if they can make snow, they could make snow back in the arctic and help the wildlife that is dying because of the melting polar ice caps such as the polar bear.

gastric bypass: a life-saver? or a danger?

This article is informing about gastric bypass which is a major surgery, the final objective of it is loosing wheight! This surgery is basically taking out part of the stomach and the small intestine to make them smaller so the capacity of them is much less, this eventually makes people eat much less food because the stomach will be filled up in no time, after gastric bypass surgery hunger or eating to much will not be a problem. When surgery is done, patients lose about two-thirds of their excess weight within a year of surgery!
This surgery sounds like the perfect solution for over wheight problems doesent it? But that is not that simple it also has alot of risks, its not an easy surgery, after all its taking away a big part of your stomach and small intestine! The operation fails in 15 percent of cases, the list of possible complications includes blood clots in the lung, pneumonia, infection, leakage from the reshaped intestinal tract, and in extremely rare cases -death.

my opinion
I think this article is really, really interesting, I really believe its stupid for people to do this dangerous operation which includes taking away part of the stomach and which is really risky, i think people should stop thinking of the easy way out of over wheight problems and solve them with excersice, healthy eating, a nutrisionist etc, which includes alot of hard work but at the end its healthy and its what people should do.
As the article said, only people with severe severe over wheight problems should do this surgery, because its more dangerous and they have more risks of diseases by their overwheight than by the actual surgery, i think in this cases the surgery is good, but in other cases with people which could easily solve over wheight problems by exercise and healthy eating are too lazy and prefere doing surgery (the easy way out), i think that its a bad desicion that could cause so much health problems after!!! Although my opinion is that bypass surgery is a risky and extreme operation (I dont think its good reducing and taking away part of someones stomach) I also think its really good people are coming with new ideas to control over weight which is a huge problem now a days in so many places, and maybe with more study about it they could come to a solution with no risks!!! I liked alot this article ,i didnt know about this operation and I think its really interesting!
** maria rubio!

Genetic Cancer Link Between Humans And Dogs Discovered

The article that I read talks about dogs and humans. Recent studies say that they share the same genetic basis for some types of cancer.
A lot of types of cancer are caused because they are alterations in the order of chromosomes and the genes that they contain, and they saw that the same thing happens with dogs.
Certain cancers of the blood have the same abnormalities in dogs and humans, they think this is happening because of consecuences of genetic evolution that has ocurred in similar ways in dogs and humans.
Now that scientists discovered that the cancers are base on the same things, there can be more tests in dogs and later can be compared with humans.
According to some scientists, dogs get cancer spontaneously, and some breeds that are more "pure" so they stay with the same genetics from generation to generation, so this makes it easier to study genetic changes that are related to cancer.
"The human genome has 46 chromosomes and the dog genome contains 78 chromosomes. Sometimes, in the normal duplication process of cells, chromosomes can become rearranged or relocated. This rearrangement or relocation is called translocation. It can lead to a cell losing its normal function, becoming abnormal, and possibly developing into cancer."

I think that this discovery is great. Because more studies can be done with the fact that dogs may shar the same type of cancer as humans, so find a solution for it.
But for one side I think it would be good if scientists can do more testings with dogs and maybe get close to the cure of cancer, because a lot of people suffer a lot and die because of this, and I know how they suffer because I've been with a lot of kids that have cancer and it's really sad seeing them like that, because they are really small and they know that some day they are going to die, and it's really sad because you want to do something, like helping them with therapies, but it just makes me feel like doing more for them, so for that side it is ok.
But in the other side, if they test in dogs, then it would be really cruel too, because if they test it in dogs, then they
can also test in humans, I mean it can sound really bad and mean but animals also live and feel and have the right to live as everyone else, so I can have different points of view from this article.

Marcela Murillo Trujano

The Smallest Pterodacty to Ever live

This may seem like a diversion from my space theme but to me dinosaurs are the next best thing. This dinosaur is one third dinosaur, one third bird, and one third mouse. It is a Pterodactyl... but not just any Pterodactyl, it is the smallest Pterodactyl to ever live (one third mouse). Normally Pterodactyl have a wing span of thirty three feet, but this Pterodactyl is twenty five centimetres ! That is the size of my head ! This tiny creature had no teeth therefore pointing to the fact that it was somewhat like a snake, this is my own guessing, and it is probably incorrect but it is my "hypothesis" or educated guess. This bird is so small that even if it were doubled to fifty centimetres it would still be the smallest dinosaur ever found. These people don't just call this bird a small Pterodactyl, they made a fancy name for it which is Nemicolopterus crypticus which means "hidden flying forest dweller" which is pretty specific for just two words. So now I have explained about this small animal but here is something that might just spoil it. When the fossil was found the bones were small and somehow they could tell that it was not fully grown. They do not know how much it could have grown. For all we know it could be a new born baby, then when it was an adult it could have been as big as a normal Pterodactyl. I do not know the chances that something like the could happen but it is just something to think about. I think that this article is interesting and I recommend it to all the dinosaur lovers out there.