Sunday, March 2, 2008

Threat to frog population prompts Vancouver exhibit

This is about the that a number of frog species will become extinct within the next ten years has prompted the Vancouver Aquarium to hold a special exhibit to highlight the threat.
As a result, up to 2,000 frog species are expected to disappear during our lifetime, Nightingale said.
In vancuber they are going to make a exibition of frogs ,they hope the exhibit will inform the public of the threat to the global frog population.

They will be talking about how frogs and human lives interact , what we can do, each one of us, not just the aquarium but each one of us in our normal lives , to make the Lower Mainland a little more frog friendly.

my opinion

I think this is really good becose i thinkpeople dont know the importans of the animals they think there are problems more important but frogs are also in danger becose uf auer polution so we really need to care abaut them becose it could be posible that in 20 years frogs deapierd

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