Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Limit for Smog-Causing Emissions Isn’t as Strict as Many Had Expected

The Obama administration on Thursday unveiled a major new regulation on smog-causing emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency set the new national standard for ozone, a smog-causing gas, sunny days when chemical emissions from power plants, 70 parts per billion, tightening the standard of 75 parts per billion set in 2008. Smog has been linked to asthma, heart and lung disease, and premature death.

The new rule is Clean Air Act pollution.
They propose climate change at greenhouse gas pollution. But with the new rule, Obama administrations appears to have tempered environmental ambitions because it would sit better with business. They estimated that the annual cost of economy would be $1.4 billion, economic benefits of $2.9 billion to$5.9 billion to  because of fewer premature deaths, missed days of school and work, asthma attacks and emergency room visits.

American Petroleum Institute, have waged an all-fronts campaign to persuade the Obama administration to make the new standard as weak as possible. The groups were joined by dozens of mayors and locals.
The new rule, set at the weakest standard in the range recommended by the E.P.A.’s scientists, suggests that the industry groups were influential.

The new rules will still require the owners of factories and power plants to install costly “scrubber” technology on their smokestacks, designed to clean out the polluting chemicals. Each scrubber can cost tens of millions of dollars.At the time, Mr. Obama said the regulation would impose too severe a burden on industry and local governments at a time of economic distress. Ms. Jackson nearly resigned over the issue.


1) Which are gone the be the positive effects of the new regulation, and the negative ones?

2) The owners of factories and other industrial companies will have to change some things for regulation for the environment, give some examples and the reason.

A cloud of Microbes surrounds a person

The bacteria that live in and on a human body create  a  microbial cloud around a person, that is different for each person.
This could be used to  identify not only the way to be  of a person, but sometimes also the persons identity.

Of three volunteers the researches found that human  bacteria,  had been from different dishes in the room. These bacteria have species like Staphylococcus epidermis, normally found on human skin, and Streptococcus oralis that enters in the mouth.

Each person's cloud contains different  types of bacteria with different  amounts  so that each human could be identified by their own different microbes.

In a upcoming experiment five of eight participants  could be identified by airbone bacteria.
Two of five people produce so much microbial material that they could be identify by the cloud bacteria that stayed  in the air ventilation.


1-Explain why you think bacteria are good in anyways for people? And in which ways?

2- The researches found that human associated bacteria had gathered on collection dishes in the room.
These bacteria included species like Staphylococcus epidermis, often found on human skin.
Which other places or in which other ways you think bacteria are showed? Explain your answer.
