Wednesday, October 21, 2009


p_filelist.xml">Program Description

Program DescriptionChytrid

Chyteid is a deadly fungus that is killing frogs. Once the fungus arrives at a site (pond, lake, etc) it stays in the soil.

They did a survey at eight different sites in Costa Rica and Panama.

Karen Lips, an associate professorof biology, and keven Smith and Jonathan Chase at Washington University found that the averge number of frog species at the eight different sites dropped from 45 to 23 since the apperence of Chytrid.

All species of frogs can get infected but terrestrial species fare better the frogs living in wet habitats where the fungus thrives.

"Differences in some of the frogs skin can make them more susceptible to Chyrid" says Karen Lips.

1) Do you think all the frogs will soon die off because of Chytrid?

2)Do you think it can be stopped?

Paul Miller