Wednesday, April 9, 2008
turning pollution into a DVD ? is it possible?
Reaserchers said that the only waste product of these chemical reactions was water, which is awesome, the wnviorment would be so much better ,But the processes its not all perfect for the enviorment it does have a downside: coaxing the carbon dioxide molecules to form longer chains (capturing pollution) requires high temperatures and great pressure—and, so, extra energy, so what this means is that even if they are taking huge amount of pollution, in the process to do that they are making so much pollution because of the energy used. So what is the solution?
If they could manage to produce this energy with other good for the enviorment energy alternatives like solar or wind power to fuel it, this would be the perfect solution!
"We need alternative sources for energy, in that event, everything from soda bottles to police riot shields might one day help sequester some of the most common greenhouse gas currently warming and affecting the planet"
my opinion:
I think this is awesome! i think this research should continue until they finD the right form of energy, because if they did, so much of the pollution we have would dissapear! I think the person who thaught about this and started the research, should be really proud of him or herself because maybe thanks to this, the worls and enviorment could go from where it is (really bad) to a much better and healthier place! I really think there should be more people trying to find solutions like this one, because the enviormen is worse and worse every day , and we should try to find solutions now that we still can before its too late! i think this is really cool and really interesting! i liked this article so much!!
maria rubio!
Blooming Jellies
Scientists are trying to find out why is this happenning because jellies are causing major problems to some people that are in constant interact with the sea. \
Like fishermen, they try to catch fish but they can't because jellies are killing the fish, so when fishers try to catch them, they can't use them or they just catch jellies, and that is not really usefull for them or for the jellies themselves. Because if they catch them, and just let them die, then they would be in danger of extintion, so one problem takes to another.
And they also discovered that jellies are so big, and that they are trying to find an answer for them to being so big.
One of the reasons because they think they are in different places is beacuse of the weather, the cahnges that the weather has, like the cold currents of air, that makes them move from one place to another.
I think that this problem is just one of so many from climate change, because the jellies are moving because of this problem, to find a new place where they can live and have a better way of living (for saying it in some way), so if fishers keep cathing them, then that takes into more trouble, so what I think should happen is that there should be a law to tell that if there are some type of those animals, then fishers shouldn't be able to catch them.
Marcela Murillo Trujano
Aztec Math Used Hearts and Arrows
mathematician Maria del Carmen y Jorge of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (U.N.A.M) channeled the mind of an Aztec land surveyor. That meant retraining herself to use a different numerical system and combing through the Codex Vergara, one of two remaining books that record Aztec life.
she is searching for more information in this book she is searching about fields were they lived etc...
Roughly 60 percent of these fields had areas that matched the basic mathematical rule of length multiplied by width or other common surveying calculations.
in my opinion i think that they are doing good by reserching about the aztecs that are really smart people and we should all learn about them
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Girl dies after being beaten with video game controller
fireproof paper, possible?
This article was about Japanese scientists who are trying to invent fireproof paper to send into space in the form of paper airplanes. I find this really interesting because both you and I now that paper will burn but if they make it fireproof it will be a huge breakthrough. Just think if a house catches on fire the pictures wont burn. But if they send it into space they will have the problem of cold. If they let it out of the shuttle it will freeze solid, it will become so cold it will be hot. And another question is how long will it take to make the paper and how many natural resources will it use. Also will it pollute, will it spread disease what will it do to the environment.
Why Some Smokers Get Lung Cancer--And Others Are Spared
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Smart car doesn't ace crash tests
The tinny Smart car gets low marks in national Highway Safety. Smart recently got intrudes by in the
What I like didn’t like about this project:
I didn’t like the fact that it got low marks on security because it means that the secure inset weary high. So in crashes people how drive this car can get badly injured in a crash. I wouldn’t drive this car if I none that it is not secure.
Water levels rising in Mackenzie Delta lakes, scientist warns
My opinion to this article is that we need to do something to stop global warming, everyone needs to do their part, reducing garbage waste, composting, re-using items, and recycling. If everyone begins to do their part, it will help everyone even those people up north that are struggling with these types of issues. Maybe more serious fines should be handed out if they throw garbage in the wrong places. We all need to do our part to save our planet.