Sunday, April 6, 2008

Water levels rising in Mackenzie Delta lakes, scientist warns

This article shows the effects of water rising in Arctic Ocean due to most likely global warming. Many freshwater lake levels in the Northwest Territories in the MacKenzie Delta seem to be rising at an alarming rate, almost 60 percent of the lakes are showing this. Some lakes have risen up to 30 centimeters. This is causing many problems such as; floods, salt-water mixing with the freshwater, a change in hunting and trapping routines and most importantly, storm surges. It may affect fishing habitats as well but that may be a positive thing.

My opinion to this article is that we need to do something to stop global warming, everyone needs to do their part, reducing garbage waste, composting, re-using items, and recycling. If everyone begins to do their part, it will help everyone even those people up north that are struggling with these types of issues. Maybe more serious fines should be handed out if they throw garbage in the wrong places. We all need to do our part to save our planet.

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