Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Aztec Math Used Hearts and Arrows

This article is about the numbers that the Aztecs use they say that the Aztec had much more numbers that we do and in the numbers they used harts, hands, arrows a lot of things that have to do with science.
mathematician Maria del Carmen y Jorge of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (U.N.A.M) channeled the mind of an Aztec land surveyor. That meant retraining herself to use a different numerical system and combing through the Codex Vergara, one of two remaining books that record Aztec life.
she is searching for more information in this book she is searching about fields were they lived etc...
Roughly 60 percent of these fields had areas that matched the basic mathematical rule of length multiplied by width or other common surveying calculations.

in my opinion i think that they are doing good by reserching about the aztecs that are really smart people and we should all learn about them

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