Monday, September 29, 2014

New Species of Mushrooms were Discovered.

        Very recently in the city of London, Bryn Dentinger and Laura Martinez-Suz, mycologists at the Royal Botanic Gardens discovered three new types of mushrooms. But this mushrooms were not funded in the middle of the woods, neither in the middle of a rain forest, but they were founded in a package of dried porcini mushrooms from a grocery store in southwest greater London.

        After founding this rare mushroom species the scientist, using a technique called  DNA barcoding they tested this mushrooms. The technique involves matching the DNA profile of a sample to a database of known species so they can identify the sample. But in three out of 15 pieces tested from the porcini mushroom package, no match was found. This means that this mushrooms are new.

"None of them had scientific names, so these were essentially new species to science," Dentiger told CBC science columnist Torah Kachur. "And we found three different species in the 15 pieces that we sampled from."

        By thinking about this article, in three knew type of mushrooms can be created in a grocery store because of human activity, imagine of what can be created in the future because of us...

Do you think that there are more existing plant or animal species in the natural world than the ones we know?

Do you think that this kind of evolutions can cause a problem in the future?

Scientists find tiny, poisonous new mystery frog

Poison dart frogs many of which are threatened species live in Central and South America and secrete poisons that are used by hunters to make blow-darts. They are often brightly coloured, with varied colour patterns that scare off predators.
The new animal, found in Panama, is only 12.7 millimetres long. The frogs smooth skin and its unique call mark it out as different from any of the other frogs in the region, and researchers are unsure how it came to look like it did.
Other frogs poisons have been harnessed by hunters for weapons, but it is unlikely that the new discoverys poison has ever been used in that way. It has been called andinobates geminisae, and a specimen was first collected in 2011. Scientists have been working since then to understand whether the animal was a new species, and to sequence its DNA.
Though researchers have seen the frog before, it was unclear whether it was just another variety of a similar species. Little is known about the species, but it appears to care for its young.
Because the animal can only be found in such a small area and so its existence could easily be threatened, scientists have laid out plans for how to protect the frog. That will involve including the frog in a captive breeding programme that helps protect amphibians from diseases and habitat loss.
 Read the article here: 

Discussion Questions:
Do you know about any other new specie discovered?

What would you do so this new specie remains existing?