By: Andrei Bucatel
A moon with seas and lakes
A photograph by NASA in Arizona had found 2 island
on the moon of Saturn called titan. Soo really Titan is a big seas made of
mainly methane and other natural gases. In 2004 Cassini took pictures of the
planet and they saw many lakes, rivers and seas. While taking pictures there
was a island that popped out of a lake and quickly vanished. Then they saw
waves that where discovered on Saturn.
Titan is the only body besides the Earth that has
rain carved geography that is possible to study. This explains the presences of
lakes, rivers and a icy crust on the surface.
On august 21 there was a flyby passing 964 km above
the moon Titan and it made it possible to calculate the depth of the Kraken
Mare which is the largest sea on titan that was discovered. That flyby found
that the sea was 200 meters deep that is a lot of methane it is estimate that
is 3 times more volume than the lake superior.
Titan is the only known body in this solar system
that holds seas and lakes. The seas on Titan are very different than the seas
on earth the surface temperatures on titan is around -290 to -179
Marco Mastrogiuseppe of the university of Rome has
found out how to measure the depth of titan using Nasa’s jet propulsion
laboratory. He found out that the island
that wee see are under methane icebergs
In spring you will see more islands showing up on
the Mare Kraken.
1: On titan there’s waves, lakes, rivers islands
but maybe it’s a start of a new planet because that how our earth started “it
was all started buy earth having a big seas and it developed to bee what it is
now. Give some similarities on why can it turn to a planet or why it can’t turn
in to a planet. Explain your answer.
2: Do you think that titan can have other living
species judging by the climate, the size, the amount of water, or even the
island that appear for couple seconds. Can this bee earth #2. Explain your