Sunday, November 8, 2009

10 ways to be green.

This article taught you ten creative ways to be green, One way to help was to start a walking-to-school club in your neighborhood instead of the bus picking your kids up. This would help the school by not spending so much money for gas and it would help the environment by not using much gas. Another way was making sure that your caps for fuel tanks in your car are screwed on tight, make sure it clicks three times before leaving because about one hundred seven million gallons of gas go into the earth's atmosphere by the United States each and every year. This would save gas for much more other things. The average american family orders about eighty-eight catalogues each year, imagine how many trees are cut down for all of those families. It is easier to just order stuff online. Some foods do not need to be cooked to a boil, you could just leave it on the stove then when the water is really hot then just turn off the stove and the heat that is still on the stove could finish cooking your food, this would save lots of energy. For hunters, buy lead-free bullets for your gun because it keeps all the toxins out of the animals habitat. You could also get a toilet that does not use much water, they use about a gallon of water for every flush when the old toilet uses about five, or you could get a toilet that does both, it has two buttons, one for liquid waste and solid waste. It would save so much water for drinking. Another way to be green is making your own toys out of recycled materials, this would reduce the use of plastic and factories wouldn't have to make as much so energy is saved and trucks wouldn't have to deliver them which is saving gas. Also, you should stop getting all the latest electronics because they probably consume more energy than older electronics or probably need more time to charge. Televisions and computers are two things that fit into new electronics. Finally, get the PowerMeter software which informs families how much energy they use. This will make them feel guilty and want them to start changing their habits.


What are some other ways that could help save the environment and help you being more green?

What are some things that Stanstead College should do to be more environmentally friendly?