After you finish doing exercise you are really tired
and injured sometimes, and that it's normal, but then to treat the
pain, what should you do? there are 2 things you can do.
The first one is cold
therapy, or cryotherapy, it is usually recommended right after you finish doing
your workouts or when you are hurt, to heal the injury (like a severe bruise or
sprain). the RICE sequence- rest, ice, compression and elevation- helps reduce
the pain and inflammation of the injury. It loses efficacy a day after or so,
and then there is when heat comes.
Both heat and cold can help to heal the
injury, you can use both separately or together, for example you first put ice
on the injury and you follow RICE and a day after you put heat in the injury.
The researchers concluded that both heat and cold are effective in reducing
muscle damage, but cold used immediately after exercise or 24 hours later was
superior in reducing pain, and heat takes longer to reduce it, but it stills works
to reduce it or heal it.
1- Which way do you like better? Why?
2-What do you usually do to heal and injury? Have you ever use heat or ice to heal it?
by Natalia Rodriguez