Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Exercise Pain and How to reduce it

After you finish doing exercise you are really tired and injured sometimes, and that it's normal, but then to treat the pain, what should you do? there are 2 things you can do. 

The first one is cold therapy, or cryotherapy, it is usually recommended right after you finish doing your workouts or when you are hurt, to heal the injury (like a severe bruise or sprain). the RICE sequence- rest, ice, compression and elevation- helps reduce the pain and inflammation of the injury. It loses efficacy a day after or so, and then there is when heat comes. 

Both heat and cold can help to heal the injury, you can use both separately or together, for example you first put ice on the injury and you follow RICE and a day after you put heat in the injury. The researchers concluded that both heat and cold are effective in reducing muscle damage, but cold used immediately after exercise or 24 hours later was superior in reducing pain, and heat takes longer to reduce it, but it stills works to reduce it or heal it. 

1- Which way do you like better? Why?
2-What do you usually do to heal and injury? Have you ever use heat or ice to heal it?

by Natalia Rodriguez

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ways to treat our muscles when it is blue.

Using ice to heal the pain is always recommended right after we got hurt, like a severe bruise or sprain. The familiar rice sequence helps reduce the pain of such an injury. It loses efficiency after a day or so, and then gentle warming can really help. For the muscle pain that is long to heal or it just took a long time that we could jump with it, in that case, we could use both heat and cold to heal it, but scientific studies comparing the efficiency of treatments have been sparse and inconclusive.

This year, a new article published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, looked at muscle damage and pain in 100 people of comparable fitness. Half received either cold or heat treatment after 15 minutes of leg squats and half received no treatment. The researchers concluded that both heat and cold appeared to be effective in reducing muscle damage, but cold works immediately after exercise in reducing pain.


1. What way, to heal the pain in muscle, do you think will work the best for you when you have a bruise on your leg or arm?

2. What is the advantages to using a cold treatment, like ice?

Sources: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/10/science/should-you-treat-muscle-pain-with-ice-or-heat.html