Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Chewing Gum helps post surgery
The way it works was that the chewing gum triggers the hormones in the intestine to release faster. That causes it to heal faster.
What I thought about it
I thought that it wouldn’t help at all because it didn’t make sense that chewing gum would help you heal. And I thought that I was really stupid to believe that chewing would help you heal faster.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Affairs of the Lips: Why We Kiss
Kisses can convey important information about the status and future of a relationship. At the extreme, a bad first kiss can abruptly curtail a couple’s future.
Kissing may have evolved from primate mothers’ practice of chewing food for their young and then feeding them mouth-to-mouth. Some scientists theorize that kissing is crucial to the evolutionary process of mate selection.
my opinion
i think that all of the bove is really true,and that kssing is healthy..until people get over excited,hehe.
not all kisses are the same,theres alot of differnt kind but it would to long of a list to write it all down soo..on to it.
kisses can also mean alot of different things.Some people dont really take kissing seriously when its really supposed to be handled well.i think u have to find that 1 special person.
"Kissing may even reveal the extent to which a partner is willing to commit to raising children, a central issue in long-term relationships and crucial to the survival of our species."
i think this could be true sometimes because kissing is very atractive and most people like doing it and it could lead on to something serious.
What i think pheramore is that its a type of thing athat travels through your body or something and can tell when your kissing someone.
i really do think kissing is healthy.
Is Old Age Memory Decline Reversible?
So they made experiments based on learning out of fear, such as associating a sound or light flash with a shock to a paw.with mice to see haw they remember stuff depending the age , so thy put the mice in a learning room to see haw they learn.
my opinion!!
I think that this article was really good i don't really like to do experiments with animals but this can really help old peopole and known haw the reack with thifirent kind of learning .
self powered nanotech
Self Powered Technology
Today we are beginning to create extremely small energy harvesters that can supply electrical power to the tiny world of scale devices where things are measured in billionths of a meter. They call these power plants generation. The ability to make power on a minuscule. They have been working on technology since 1990 when this type of technology interested researchers. They experiment in
mystery illnes attacks bats!!!
white fungus was found around many of the affected bats, the plague claimed 13,500 (90 percent) of 15,000 bats over two years, and since last January has spread from four caves west of Albany, New York, to four other sites including, now Vermont.
After research they discovered that the syndrome kills the bats while they hibernate (taking away their fat reserve months ahead of schedule)!!!
specialist Alan Hicks called the illness "the gravest threat to bats [we] have ever seen."
my opinion!
i think this is very interesting and important, and i think their should be more research and scientist should try to find some way to avoid this disease, because even though i really dont like bats, their still animals , and something really wierd is happening and its changing everything because bats are important in the food chain and this venenous aliment can go from bats to another animal, and it could keep going on, because this had already happened in bees! i think this could be a very very dangerous and scientist should find the cause and find a way to stop this!!!!!! i think this article was veri interesting and i would like to learn more abou this!!!!!
**maria rubio
atlantis two close shaves
When I read this article I was appalled by the fact that workers at NASA (yes the place that makes space ships) had forgotten to straighten out one hose. Now if the shuttle was sent into space with that hose bent something terrible would happen. And also they forgot to check a malfunctioning fuel connector that links the gauge to the shuttle. Now if they were to go into space without enough fuel then they would not be able to re-enter without more fuel. Therefore they would be stuck up in space until they died. So NASA should really take more care in their work because if they don’t then they will find all kinds of problems with their ships like: crashes, impossible re-entry’s, death, explosions and horrible injuries.
new languages rapidly spring from old ones!!
In the latest chapter in this debate, researchers report in Science this week that it appears that when new languages spin-off from older ones, there is an initial introductory burst of alterations to vocabulary. Then, the language tends to settle and accumulate gradual changes over a long period of time. The team believes this discrete evolutionary pattern occurs when a social group tries to forge a separate identity.
"We treat the words that different languages use almost identically to the way we use genes: … The more divergent two species are, the less their genes have in common, just as the more divergent two languages are, the less their words have in common."
The team focused on three of the world's major language families in its study: Bantu (Swahili, Zulu, Ngumba, for example), Indo-European (English, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit) and Austronesian (South Pacific and Indian Ocean languages such as Taglaog or Seediq). They constructed genealogical trees—this time the trees traced existing languages back to their common roots; the length of a "branch" indicated the extent of word replacement that took place as each old language morphed (possibly with new languages splitting off) into its current form.
offers a few examples of these sorts of events, such as the sudden emergence of American English when Noah Webster published his American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828. More recently, he says, black American English could fit the bill as an emerging idiom.
"It's plausible to think of black American English as having diverged from standard English as a way of establishing a distinct identity," he says. "I think everybody's impression is those differences [between the two languages] are greater than one would expect for people who live in the same area."
my opinion
i think this article was a little confusing to understand, but i think it is very truth, because after reading the article it makes alot of sense for me.
i think to understand this article you should read it two or three times because its a little bit confusing, but after understanding it is very interesting and it makes sense!!!!
maria rubio
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Heart Revival

The experiment was about rats that have been dead not more than 18 hours, and what happened was that the scientists took the hearts from the rats and but them in a beaker, there they cleaned them with detergent and later on they injected new living cells from rats that were just borned. Finally, 8 days later the hearts started pumping again. This is very helpful, because instead of needing a new heart from another "rat" in this case, the rats could still have their own hearts and it will be easier that the body accepted it better than another heart from another "rat".
I think that if scientists try this out more times, it can be a way of saving many people's life, because it is giving a better way of having more opportunity of life if the heart of a person stops working, and it can have good results or maybe bad ones, but I think because of all the advantages that science is having today this can be possible and I agree with it, but before it is better to have different tests with different animals also, because maybe it can work with a rat, but a rat's body and system is different from all the other animal & human systems, so it just takes time and more testing to see what are the results.
Marcela Murillo Trujano
New Zealand: ‘No Tears’ Onions
I would think that's great but when I slice an onion I do not cry at all but if these onions have hormones that make cells less powerful it would probably make the onion taste different. That means that people should know what's happening to the onion. Generally when they change something in one way, it affects it in another way. So they shouldn't "turn off" the gene because what makes you cry is probably the thing that makes it taste good.
Proof New Zealand is the Best, invention of onions that don't make you cry