Monday, February 4, 2008

Affairs of the Lips: Why We Kiss

A kiss triggers a cascade of neural messages and chemicals that transmit tactile sensations, sexual excitement, feelings of closeness, motivation and even euphoria.

Kisses can convey important information about the status and future of a relationship. At the extreme, a bad first kiss can abruptly curtail a couple’s future.

Kissing may have evolved from primate mothers’ practice of chewing food for their young and then feeding them mouth-to-mouth. Some scientists theorize that kissing is crucial to the evolutionary process of mate selection.

my opinion

i think that all of the bove is really true,and that kssing is healthy..until people get over excited,hehe.
not all kisses are the same,theres alot of differnt kind but it would to long of a list to write it all down soo..on to it.
kisses can also mean alot of different things.Some people dont really take kissing seriously when its really supposed to be handled well.i think u have to find that 1 special person.

"Kissing may even reveal the extent to which a partner is willing to commit to raising children, a central issue in long-term relationships and crucial to the survival of our species."

i think this could be true sometimes because kissing is very atractive and most people like doing it and it could lead on to something serious.

What i think pheramore is that its a type of thing athat travels through your body or something and can tell when your kissing someone.
i really do think kissing is healthy.

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