Thursday, February 28, 2008
Florida probes how small mishaps caused massive outages
More than 2 million people lost power at the peak of the outages, but electricity quickly was restored to most parts of the state.
Authorities said no injuries were reported.
Florida Power & Light President Armando Olivera said a disconnect switch failed at 1:08 p.m. ET Tuesday at an automated substation west of Miami, and a piece of equipment that controls voltage caught fire about the same time. Neither failure by itself would have caused a widespread outage, he said. The affected region ranged from Miami to Tampa, throughout Orlando and east to Brevard County, home to Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. See a map of the areas affected »
The substation trouble set off a sequence of events that within two to three minutes had knocked numerous power plants off-line -- including the Turkey Point nuclear power plant south of Miami.
Olivera said Turkey Point's two nuclear reactors and a natural gas-powered generation unit automatically shut down when the plant's systems detected a fluctuation in the power grid.
"In a fraction of a second, the demand was far greater than the power plants that were online generating electricity could handle," he said. "When you have that kind of imbalance, we have a system that kicks in and it starts turning people's lights off, essentially balancing the demand with what's available." Miami International Airport, which has emergency generators, reported fewer than a dozen delays and had normal electric service back on within half an hour.
Schools remained in session during the blackout, said Cmdr. Charles Hurley, a spokesman for the Miami-Dade school system's police department. And Delrish Moss, a county police spokesman, said no major traffic problems had been reported.
"Most of the calls that we're getting have to do with people being stuck in elevators and things of that nature, and people concerned about what is going on," Moss said.
The outage struck as a strong cold front and scattered thunderstorms passed through the region -- including one that prompted a tornado warning for Fort Lauderdale, the National Weather Service said.
Stan Johnson, a spokesman for the North American Electric Reliability Corp., said eight generating units were off-line across the region.
My Opinion
I think its quite crazy to see that just a small accident could cause such a huge ruckuss. It affected so many people this disaster because of what happpened. I would be scared 2 if that happened to me. I just hope it wont if I'm stuck in an elevator or something i can't get out of at the time of the accident.
Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile
My Opinion
I think that you shouldn't have to pay to be on sites which are almost like facebook and Myspace. I personnally think that people should try out new sites that are free instead of paying a fee on sites. People are on these sites to make new friends communicate with their family and send photoes and such and such.
Apple to reveal iPhone strategy for businesses, developers
Some Canadians, however, have been able to purchase grey market versions of the device that are "unlocked" and thus free to run on Rogers' wireless network, which uses compatible technology.
My Opinion
I think that the Iphone is just like someother gagget that we don't really need in life. What purpose do we need it for? Sure, you can browse the internet, listen to music even call people, but really you could just buy a cellphone or an ipod for that kind of action. I also think that the internet in the Iphone is a target for viruses because who knows who can be watching you doing things on the internet. Some one can hack onto those things and watch you. Just like third party wedsites that are really not safe and could transmite a virus in your internet.
CRTC tells telemarketers not to fear do-not-call list
In 1993, the CMA set up its own do not contact program, in which consumers register for free and CMA members risk being expelled from the organization if they do not comply.
But Hill said it is a not "comprehensive solution" and that is why the CMA urged the federal government to set up a national do-not-call list.
My Opinion
I would get frustrated to if I got calls that i didn't want. But I think that this list will help in some way because it will cut some of the calling numbers that you don't want to call you. I hope that they do make this likst because it will improve the situation.
Jumbo Jet No Longer Biofuel Virgin after Palm Oil Fuels Flight
My opinion
Some may think "wow were putting about 20% organic gas fuels in the airplane so it will consume less toxic desel. But i dont think its going to help the planet that much because even if you would do this for a very long time, sure it would an impact but not a very great one like stop the path of global warming. But its a possibility of trying this new action and only time itself can say if it will help the environment or not.
Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile
Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile
Bill Gates is helping a web companies to be successful. Will more people be encored to pursue careers in science and technology? They have a new teal that will let them bracts there work of over 19 million people. This allows them a lot more then linked casebook. Gates is planning the company’s footer. Microsoft solvent try buying Yahoo instead they should try to by other ones that aren’t so expensive. It has a take over that they goon to make a public stock in one ore tow years. Microsoft has invested $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake in Palo Alto-based Face book Inc., whose 66 million members make it the Internet's second largest social network behind News Corp.'s My Space. He stop looking using this web site because to many people try to become bill gates friend. They are gent block people to connect to him. The people like to look up UN him so he is gone to you this.
Do Microbes Make Snow?
-my opinion
they’re saying that there’s a bacteria that’s causing it to snow in Texas and Florida where it never snowsI don't really know what they're talking about but it sounds really cool. What I mean is that I like what they're saying about it and the microbe thing with the snow it’s really cool.I like everything that has to do with snow, I love snow.
Its natural that it snows. But for it to snow in Florida its not really good because if they grow plants or oranges and anything else they grow is going to die because of the snow.
Life under Ice
Do Microbes Make Snow?
Google launches website-building application
google launched a website building application that allows anyone too edit or create web sites
im thinking about this in 2 different ways.
i think that this is for people to have more fun on the internet,i dont really think its good because wut if people put wrong stuff on their websites,im not really gonna name anything you must know what im talking about,i think google is okay that way it is now.
the other way i look at is that the website they make if it can connect with their friends it would be a way to do it, or other stuf like that
News Bytes Of the Week—Robot Race to the Moon
Polar research ship returns to Europe after 'fantastic' 1½-year journey
Google launches website-building application
There is a new soft where on Google what allows multiple users to make there on website. This will help people to make there website whit out having a lots of problems whit it. It allows the user to get information from other sites and post it on to that page and you need no knowledge of HTML or web designing skills. They are literally adding an edit batten on to the web site. Google ethnologic is developed from Jot Spot a company a company Google acquired in October 2006. Jot spot allows the put on wikis that multiple users can do what they want on that site. They are bringing the wikis out of the land of the nerds and try to publish it for more people. There are three versions al free with ten GB with different where hens, and there is a fourth one that cost 50$ per year per user. It was relates when Google had a confers in
I like this project:
Because they make it easer for you to make a web site. If you friends want to some thing on the site they can it is very help full.Quebec ponders electronics recycling law
Quebec ponders electronics recycling law
I like this project because:
They try to help the environment.
NASA shows off rover armed with Canadian-made drill
NASA shows off rover armed with Canadian-made drill
They have made a new robot and to find water and it has a Canadian drill. This is one of the tow robots they want to talk about in there conversayshin. This robot was built by researchers at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and tow Canadians included there work to this to. They hope that it gives them information to now how strong the drill has to be to dig in to lunar soil and rock because rover won’t go on the trip. It is hard to build a rover like this because it has to run on lo battery but has to be heavy enough to support drilling. This is the first step of understanding the potential for lunar resources and developing the knowledge needed to understand it better, said NASA's Bill Larson. It is distend to go one meter in the earth the regolith it was built by northern instituted. A camera is put in whit lacer light that allows the rover to see where it is drilling. Notec is best known for building the 3D laser camera. Later in 2008 it will have a partner that allows crushing the rock and heating it to get water out of it. They are testing other wheals rate now to at Exploration Conference in Denver .
I like about this project because:
They are searching for water so that would mean they can youse it in poor countries and help them to get more fresh water.
Google launches website-building application
Polar research ship returns to Europe after 'fantastic' 1½-year journey
NASA shows off rover armed with Canadian-made drill
Neutron oddball
Neutron Oddball
In our galaxy we have lot’s of star and other things but the neutron star is the most weirdest out of all of them in a picture it shows that on its own the magnetic field lines surrounding the ultra dense stellar remnant. It is really weird looking from the picture in this magazine. The neutron star is 205 and 1000 light years away from earth. They are also studying 10 other stars that are also weird but now the Neutron star is the weirdest out of all of them. What do I think about this? I think who ever wrote this wrote it well and I think it is a very exciting topic.
Monday, February 25, 2008
robot race to the moon. - Reward-20 million dollars
jumbojet biofuel good or disastrous
When I read this article I was so happy that they have finally found a way to stop using gas for planes but then I read that it has more emissions of greenhouse gasses, which is very bad. Of course if some work was done on it, it could have good effects on the environment. But if they think they made it right and they didn’t, they would destroy the atmosphere or something else horrible like that. Of course if they do make it right it will be a huge step for man I mean actual artificial fuel. And if they can do it with planes they (of course) can do it with cars and any other gasoline run vehicles. So all I’m saying is that they should make sure the fuel is right before they use it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
wind replacing oil in texas and maybe in the the world?!
This article is informing us that:
The wind turbines that recently went up in
Texans are even turning tapped-out oil fields into wind farms,oil is turning into an alternative energy!!!
Wind turbines were once a not considered form of electrical generation. But with the huge concern about greenhouse gases from coal-burning power plants, wind power is booming!!!!
My opinion:
I think this article is very important, i think these changes are really good, and they will make a really really positive and good change in the world!I think it would be great if wind turbines keep expanding to more cities and places; like the article said they would!
Why do i think that?
Because oil, gas and coil are the main forms of producing energy, all of this are extremely bad for the enviorment because they cause alot of pollution, and damage to people, also, we are basically finishing them up, and we need them and use them every day, I think its really good that people are finding other options and ways of replacing and not wasting oil, this options are also much healthier options for the people, the enviorment, the animals etc!!
I really hope wind turbines keep expanding!!! I thought this article was really interesting and really important!!
Maria Rubio!
Cool Penguins
The penguins that live on Crozet Archipelago in the Indian Ocean are suffering and are leaving less because the water is getting warmer. This animals are use to live in really cold climates and they are adapt to this kind of environment, they get their food from fish living in these oceans and also have their babies there.
But as all animals, this penguins take care of their offsprings for a while when they are just born, they give them food and them they go and leave them there so the babies have to survive by themselves and get their food, but this can't happen if the climate is not adecuate for them, so this brings a lot of consecuences, like making the penguin population go down and if later on this keeps going then the life of teh penguins would be shortened and if this keeps going on the penguins can be extint as many other animals that are in danger because of global warming and many other issues.
So what scientists are doing is puttin electronic ID tags to the penguins to know where they are and to identificate each of them and see how long they live and if they go back to take care of their babies or to see how the population is growing or coming down.
My opinion: I like a lot all sea animals so this article makes me feel bad because it's letting me know that the life of this animals and many other is in danger and that it can only be stopped if people care enough about them so that they can change they habits and make global warmind don't act so fast, so knowing that there is people that cares about the life of the animals makes me feel better and also makes me want to do something about it, like telling other people that don't believe in Global Warming that there are a lot of things going on that are true and that can be prevented, not just for the animals but for everyone.
by: Marcela Murillo Trujano
Global Warming, Up Close and Personal
You think you know climate change. You've seen An Inconvenient Truth. You've noticed the changing and warming weather patterns in your part of the world. You're beginning to suffer from acute ecoanxiety. But to really see global warming in action, you'd need to travel to the Arctic, where climate change is already kicking into high gear.
But some peapole really care abaut the gloval warming, and they are encouraging us to help.
To help raise awareness of the damage climate change is wreaking on the polar regions, next month Steger will be leading a team of six young adventurers on a 1,400-mile, 60-day-long dogsled expedition across Ellesmere Island, in the far Canadian Arctic.
my opinion
i think thet we souuld really think abaut the gloval warming , this is not only in the antartic , this is happening in all the world and this will affect you to , in mexico there is not inofe water so people are dying of thirst and you are waisting it.
also , dont use your car every time you need to go out .
we really need to help the world and do some thing about it , help rise mony etc ..
News Bytes Of the Week—Robot Race to the Moon
I think that this is a great idea because it shows that companies can make their own launch sites and robots in order to do this. Maybe then the Government will realize that other people are capable of doing the kinds of things. On the other hand I think that the $20 million could be used for something else like feeding starving children across the world instead of redoing something that has been done already.