Sunday, February 24, 2008

Global Warming, Up Close and Personal

This article is abaut global warning , haw peapole dont really know that this is sereaus .
You think you know climate change. You've seen An Inconvenient Truth. You've noticed the changing and warming weather patterns in your part of the world. You're beginning to suffer from acute ecoanxiety. But to really see global warming in action, you'd need to travel to the Arctic, where climate change is already kicking into high gear.
But some peapole really care abaut the gloval warming, and they are encouraging us to help.
To help raise awareness of the damage climate change is wreaking on the polar regions, next month Steger will be leading a team of six young adventurers on a 1,400-mile, 60-day-long dogsled expedition across Ellesmere Island, in the far Canadian Arctic.
my opinion
i think thet we souuld really think abaut the gloval warming , this is not only in the antartic , this is happening in all the world and this will affect you to , in mexico there is not inofe water so people are dying of thirst and you are waisting it.
also , dont use your car every time you need to go out .
we really need to help the world and do some thing about it , help rise mony etc ..

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