Sunday, February 24, 2008

wind replacing oil in texas and maybe in the the world?!

This article is informing us that:
The wind turbines that recently went up in Texas are twice as high as the Statue of Liberty, with blades that span as wide as the wingspan of a jumbo jet.
Texas, once the oil capital of North America, is rapidly turning into the capital of wind power. IN the last three years, Texas has reached the point that the electricity enough to supply power to one million homes, comes from wind turbines!!!!
Texans are even turning tapped-out oil fields into wind farms,oil is turning into an alternative energy!!!
Wind turbines were once a not considered form of electrical generation. But with the huge concern about greenhouse gases from coal-burning power plants, wind power is booming!!!!
Texas has been looking at oil and gas rigs for 100 years, and frankly, wind turbines look a little nicer,” said Jerry Patterson, the Texas land commissioner

My opinion:

I think this article is very important, i think these changes are really good, and they will make a really really positive and good change in the world!I think it would be great if wind turbines keep expanding to more cities and places; like the article said they would!

Why do i think that?
Because oil, gas and coil are the main forms of producing energy, all of this are extremely bad for the enviorment because they cause alot of pollution, and damage to people, also, we are basically finishing them up, and we need them and use them every day, I think its really good that people are finding other options and ways of replacing and not wasting oil, this options are also much healthier options for the people, the enviorment, the animals etc!!
I really hope wind turbines keep expanding!!! I thought this article was really interesting and really important!!

Maria Rubio!

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