Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bill Gates sets up his own Linked In profile

This article is about Bill Gates helping out LinkedIn Corp.'s online professional network by setting up a profile on the service and posing a question to help draw more attention to a makeover of the Web site's front page. Microsoft late last year invested $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake in Palo Alto-based Facebook Inc., whose 66 million members make it the Internet's second largest social network behind News Corp.'s MySpace. Bill Gates is among Facebook members, although he reportedly stopped using the site recently because he was tired of sifting through the thousands of requests from requests from strangers who wanted to befriend him. Microsoft declined to comment Wednesday about Gates' status on Facebook. Meanwhile, LinkedIn will encourage its 19 million members to try out a new tool that will let them broadcast their daily activities to their connections.

My Opinion

I think that you shouldn't have to pay to be on sites which are almost like facebook and Myspace. I personnally think that people should try out new sites that are free instead of paying a fee on sites. People are on these sites to make new friends communicate with their family and send photoes and such and such.

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