Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do Microbes Make Snow?

this article is about finding out if microbes make snow.Microbes may be responsible for snow—and rain for that matter. They are certainly involved in much of the man-made snow that ski resorts use to cover for Mother Nature's winter lapses.Microorganisms is bacteria that produces proteins in their cell walls that bind water, even when they are a result bacteria can help snow form at warm temperatures. Because that’s how you would know that some ski resorts add dead microbes to the mix in they're snow making machines. Now scientists discovered that such biological precipitation catalysts in natural snows such as Montana and the article it says that microbiologist Brent Chirstner collected snow samples from 19 different sites.They found microbes in all of the samples, and the highest concentrations in the least remote an attempt at gauge weather those microbes were catalysts of their snowflake vessels, the team exposed them to heat as well as an enzyme in tears that punctures bacterial cell walls both of which reduce the ice forming ability of many microbesThan they put the particles into purified water and discovered that they were no longer to freeze water as affectively at warmer temperatures.

-my opinion
they’re saying that there’s a bacteria that’s causing it to snow in Texas and Florida where it never snowsI don't really know what they're talking about but it sounds really cool. What I mean is that I like what they're saying about it and the microbe thing with the snow it’s really cool.I like everything that has to do with snow, I love snow.
Its natural that it snows. But for it to snow in Florida its not really good because if they grow plants or oranges and anything else they grow is going to die because of the snow.

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