Monday, September 29, 2014

Scientists find tiny, poisonous new mystery frog

Poison dart frogs many of which are threatened species live in Central and South America and secrete poisons that are used by hunters to make blow-darts. They are often brightly coloured, with varied colour patterns that scare off predators.
The new animal, found in Panama, is only 12.7 millimetres long. The frogs smooth skin and its unique call mark it out as different from any of the other frogs in the region, and researchers are unsure how it came to look like it did.
Other frogs poisons have been harnessed by hunters for weapons, but it is unlikely that the new discoverys poison has ever been used in that way. It has been called andinobates geminisae, and a specimen was first collected in 2011. Scientists have been working since then to understand whether the animal was a new species, and to sequence its DNA.
Though researchers have seen the frog before, it was unclear whether it was just another variety of a similar species. Little is known about the species, but it appears to care for its young.
Because the animal can only be found in such a small area and so its existence could easily be threatened, scientists have laid out plans for how to protect the frog. That will involve including the frog in a captive breeding programme that helps protect amphibians from diseases and habitat loss.
 Read the article here: 

Discussion Questions:
Do you know about any other new specie discovered?

What would you do so this new specie remains existing?


  1. did you know that the cocoa frog is one of six new frog species that were recently found in a rainforest-dominated mountainous region of southeastern Suriname. I think that it is quite amazing that there are still living species of animals that we have not discovered yet it makes you wonder what else is waiting out there to be found.

  2. I do not know of any other new species, but I do believe that there are some species that we have not discovered yet. Isn't it weird that humans have lived on earth for such a long time and there are still creatures out there that we beings don't know about.


  3. I'm with Mackenzy, I don't know of any new species either but, who knows. They're probably looking right now for a new species. But it may take years until they find another one.
    And yes, it is strange that people have lived here for ages and we still probably haven't found half of all the animals living out there.

  4. another new animal species is the souse sahulensis. the souse sahulensis is a humpback dolphin that can grow up to 8 feet. this new mamal wasn't hiding but it was misclasfied to be a regular australien dolphin.

  5. I also do not know of any new species that have been discovered recently, but I am almost positive that their are some new species out there that are yet to be discovered. Especially in the ocean! I heard that us humans have only explored 10% of the ocean so their is lots to be revealed!

  6. Some other animals that I have heard of that are newly found or at least new to an area are catamounts, pumas, and wolves. In Vermont we haven't had any of these species for several years and they were thought to be extinct in the state. Recently though, there have been some video sightings and recounts. As well as tracks and droppings.

    The way that I would preserve these frogs would be by bringing them to a special containment unit. This containment unit would replecate their enviroment but without the dangers of predators, disease and famine. The place would have the same climate other species, plants, weather and food source.

  7. I have not heard about any new specie in a while but now I know a new one.
    I think that if I was in charge of such situation I would first talk and get ideas from experts and I would keep part of the specie captive and other part in the wild.
