Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Girl dies after being beaten with video game controller

A 2-year-old girl died after being beaten with a video game controller by her mother's boyfriend, and new charges are expected, police said Tuesday. The girl's mother, Neida E. Baez, 19, called for an ambulance Sunday, saying her boyfriend, Harve L. Johnson, had brought the unconscious child to her, limp and wet from an attempt to revive her in a bathtub, a police affidavit said. Johnson acknowledged beating the girl with a video game controller but did not say why, police said. Baez said Johnson had abused the girl in the past and said she heard the girl scream after Johnson beat her Sunday, according to the affidavit. Johnson and Baez remained in custody Tuesday. His bail was set at $200,000; hers was $25,000. Baez was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Detective Dana Ward said Baez was charged because she did not intervene or try to get help for Darisabel.

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