Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scientists Build Nano Hot Rods

This article is about university students making a way to mace microspic nanobots. They will be able to help people in their drugs and cleaning water from distant lands. A nanomachine is a small device that is less than one micron in size (one millionth of a meter). They hope that they will be able to help target the delivery of drugs in the system to the proper places. For example, if a patient has cancer the drugs would be directed to the cancer cells. The only problem is that the nanomachines aren't very fast. So more research needs to be done so that imporvements can be done to the machines. There has been money awarded to do more research on these tiny bots.

I find that this is a great idea because it could help people that are dying across the oceans and would just help with clean water. Also, it would help with drugs as well. If we gave trillions of these nanobots across the ocean it would be so helpful.

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