Sunday, May 11, 2008

Platypus genome reveals links between reptiles, mammals

Scientist still don’t know what to do about the duck billed platypus it is a mammal that lyes eggs. They are saying that they are understanding this animal a bit better now after this genome. A time of scientist form the universities of Ornithorhynchus is comparing the platypus with other mammals so they mite find something. They are saying that the platypus appears as an animal looks. Francis Collins, the director of the U.S.-based National Human Genome Research Institute said comparing the platypus and other animals will help us understand our self’s better. They found out that the platypus contains about the same number of protein-coding genes like other mammals they approximately 18,500 protein-coding genes and it shares about 80% of its genes with other mammals. But the scientist where interested in the deferents. With matching the platypus genes with other mammals they found out that it was the crossroads between early mammal-like reptiles and of the other mammals we see today. They did a genetic analyzing and found out that it had slimmer portion milk genes that is just one of its many slimmer genes. They found out that males can give venom through the hind legs and it is slimmer to reptiles but independently. It was published form the newspaper company journal Nature and people on the time came from United States, Australia, England, Germany, Israel, Japan, New Zealand and Spain.

I like this project:

Because they found out that the platypus is one of the few animals that are between reptiles and mammals. So they can now find more about the genes of it and of us because if they find out enough of the genes they can find out more about us humans that would revolve to a new area of understanding us humans.

1 comment:

  1. I think this animal is really cool and interesting because he has a double personality, because he can be a mammal because of the milk that the females can produce when they have offsprings, but they put eggs, so it's something really interesting.
    But do you know if there are some other animals that have similar characteristics to them?
