Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Earthquake in China, horrible disaster!

This article is informing us about the earthquake that occurred in China this Monday, and the consequences of it:
It was a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, that killed thousands of people, and thousand are still missing! This has been the country’s worst earthquake in three decades! So far, 11,921 people have died!
The worst part of this disaster is that this earthquake hit the hardest in remote areas of china (not in the cities), and there is millions of people in this area with desperate need of help but this areas remain inaccessible to rescuers, due to the remoteness and difficulty of the mountainous terrain, this is a huge problem that is causing more and more deaths!
This quake, that lasted several minutes, has collapsed buildings in cities and towns across the province as well as cracking buildings in the capital city, where thousands of people have been spending the night out of doors in fear of aftershocks the people are terrified and don’t know what to do.
More than 26,000 have been injured and at least 9,400 remain trapped in such levelled buildings.
Rescuers and troops worked without stopping and have been saving thousand of lives.
"It's a nightmare. It's a tragedy," said Zhao Mu, a student in university.

My opinion:
I am glad I read this article about this because I did not know about all this tragedy that is happening in China, I think this is so sad and it is terrible, I think that the worst part of it is that people in cities are receiving so much help, (and it is very good that they are receiving it), but the parts that need more help and have been destroyed the most are the ones where the rescuers cant get access to, and people there should be so desperate, I cant imagine how they must feel to be in such a disaster and now one being there with the necessary equipment to help them now! In the article it said that this is a natural disaster with a huge magnitude and that something like this had not been seen in so long, I really think that all this huge and horrible disasters that are happening in the world are due to global warming, there have been so many natural disasters lately and if the global warming situation does not get better, I think we are going to have natural disasters like this earthquake in China and other places often, and we are going to see the consequences and suffer so much! I am really glad I read this article because now I am more aware of what is happening in the world and more aware that we need to change our way of living or the consequences will be HUGE!
Maria Rubio.

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