Monday, May 5, 2008

fish in problems, humans too!!!

We know everything that global warming is doing than include the oceans, we know that currents are changing, natural disasters are occurring, and in some time the ocean can cover almost all the land we live in, but did you know that thanks to global warming also most of the marine life in it can be in total danger?
Warmer oceans contain less oxygen, as the globe has warmed, this warm oceans have less and less oxygen, meaning that less and less sea animals that can live in their natural and healthy environment, meaning more and more sea animals dying!
This is a huge chain that started from the humans not taking care of the Earth and because of that, the global warming, then to the oceans, after, to the marine life in the oceans and then back again to the humans because if there is not enough fish, then the whole marine animals food chain will be messed up, allot of this sea species in danger, the millions of industries of fishing and selling fish will be in problems and this is a chain that goes on and on.

My opinion:
I think this is a very important article, and it really makes you think because it shows you the consequences of the human’s actions (not taking care of the environment), it shows you that because of the humans a problem was made, and that problem lead to another one and another one etc... I think if we don’t stop this, later it is going to be too late, and huge consequences will come! I thought this article was shocking because it reminded me of all the things that could happen if we don’t put a stop or come up with a solution! I thought this was a very interesting article and I liked it a lot!
Maria Rubio

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