Sunday, June 1, 2008

Investigating the Ocean

In BC Christine Erbe is an oceanographer. She is trying to find out if the noise from motor boat harms Sea lions and whales, it affects them seriously the way they find prey the way they communicate and detect predators. She says that it can even damage there ears and organs, that is not good. Her job? She is trying to find sea lions and whales all day and in the picture I think she does find animal’s everyday, but it is a very hard job to it cost a lot of money for her to do this but she also makes a lot of money doing it. The good thing? She gets to spend everyday or mostly everyday on the ocean looking for whales and sea lions that is really cool, but she is also helping them and helping the environment at the same time and about nature to. What do I think about this? I think this would be a really cool job to do it actually sounds awesome, I would love to look for whales and sea lions all day, I did the same thing like her up in taddosac we went whale watching and we so so many it was really cool.

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