Monday, April 14, 2008

People trying to rekindle Pluto for a planet

First of all I think Pluto should have never been a planet in the first place and since its two moons are almost the same size it will never become a planet for years. A planet has a an atmospere, it orbits the sun. Although pluto does do this it does it at an extremely small rate. It is not a planet but it is a dwarf. If you want Pluto to become a planet don't arrgue with me, ask the astronomers and they well tell a whole lot of reasons that I will never think of. Pluto's moons are almst bigger than Pluto itself showing that it should not have been a planet in the first place. There is not alot I can say about this topic but let me leave you with this. PLUTO WILL MEVER BECOME A PLANET

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