Sunday, April 13, 2008

Turning Pollution into DVDs

This article talks about the fact that scientists have found a new way to deal with carbon dioxide produced from coal-fired power plants. They have developed a way of turning the carbon dioxide into hard plastics. The type of plastic used for DVD's or soda bottles. There is one problem however. In order to do this, they need high amounts of energy that would produce more carbon dioxide which really wouldn't solve anything. So, to do this they need to find a way of using a different energy source such as solar. Another positive thing is that the pressure involved with the chemical reaction produes only one waste product, water.

My opinion is that this is a great new development. It will produce water which will help life overall. The fact that we will be able to get rid of carbon dioxide is also a good thing. We are destroying our planet and this will help greatly with the reduction of greenhouse gases.

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