Saturday, April 19, 2008

Unleashing the Bugs of War

This article is about people trying to take over the world with bugs. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) will use bugs as aweapon against every single person that they go to war with. They will be able to watch every single move the enemy makes by using these cyborg bugs. They put mechanical components into bugs in their early stages of life so that as they grow they will heal and adapt to their new parts. These cybog bugs can be used for watching enemies as they will be like small cameras. I think what they should use instead of flying bugs they should use cockroaches because they can't die from nuclear bombs.

My opinion about this is that this is a great idea because these bugs could be planted everywhere and check on anyone. It could be a type of defence so that they can find out in advance if for instance there is an assassination attempt on the President. The United States, what will they think of next?

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