Monday, April 14, 2008

Antibiotic aligator

I have come across many weird things in my days but this is at the top of the list. An alligator that contains proteins in its blood that shows promising signs of fighting blood diseases. This is an extraordinary discovery partly because it is inside an alligator. I can get finding a cure but having found an alligator that contains blood that may save peoples lives. That is two things to me...weird and cool! This could mean a treatment for E. Coli. I know I always bring this somewhat annoying topic up but hopefully this does not turn out like I am legend. Now when read about cures I'll think twice about rejoicing and letting my guard down. They found traces of antibiotics which can treat yeast infection which is a big problem in Canada. This is a simple solution for these diseases but if it works I fear the worst for the unlucky alligators who have to be taken into confinement to harvest their blood to help us. This is a great discovery but lets not get carried away and destroy the alligator population.

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