Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saint John zoo pleads for return of baby monkey

this article is a about a young monkey getting stolen from a zoo in saint johns.on tuesday night a young Callimico goeldii monkey was stolen from the cherry Brooke zoo in saint johns.this monkey was not even one.The staff say that this isn't just monkey business. The theft of this incident has appeared to use a hacksaw and kicked a heavy, padlocked door open. They say the monkey is black and really tiny obviously,because it is not even 1 years old. This little monkey was part of an international breeding program,adding,the zoo wont press any charges if the monkey is returned."We will not give a name, just please, please bring this animal back," Collrin said.They say that the little monkey needs special feed and should be with parents and can also carry disease, It has upper and lower canine teeth. It can inflict damage and it's terrorized right now," she said.
in my opinion i think that whoever took the poor little monkey should take it back because it has to have special food for itself and needs parents and siblings just like we do,plus their saying it can also have a disease, and in case they brought it to Canada i don't want to be diagnosed with monkey germs..hehe..

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