Sunday, April 27, 2008

150-Year-Old Computer Brought to Life

This article is about people building a computer from 150 year old design by Charles Babbage. Now they are able to see what they did back in the years of 1791-1871. The "old" computer is now on display in Mountain View, California in the museum of computer history where it was built by the museum's guest curator, Doron Swade. It weigns five tons with copper and cast iron parts. It is measured seven feet high and eleven feet long. It is in working order. Babbage has also been credited with inventing many other things such as; cowcatcher, dynamometer, and standard railroad gauge, among many others.

My opinion of this is that this is great news. We can learn about things that our ancestors thought of and planned. it turns out that they were much more advanced than we thought. Wow, imagine a five ton computer on your desk! That could be interesting to write an essay or even a blog!

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