Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monitoring Antarctic Ice Movement Is a Sticky Business

This article is about scientists discovering exactly how large pieces of ice like glaciers actually move they are called "sticky spots". What is a sticky spot? A sticky spot is when seismic pressure builds under the ice and when it becomes too stong the ground underneath the ice actually begins to move which causes the ice to move. The whole process is called a "stick and slip" movement. Does the ice moving have anything to do with global warming then? Scientists have been telling us for years that this ice is melting and we are all doomed and it's all because of global warming. This doesn't sound like global warming! This sounds like the earth shifting and shaking which causes movement of ice that eventually leads to or breaks off into the ocean. These chunks of ice aren't small, they are as big as some US states! Maybe that's why we are all in a panic? When these chunk lead into the ocean they will eventually melt raising sea levels. Then, I guess, we are doomed!

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