Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Death Toll May Climb in China Earthquake Aftermath

This article is about a city in China that had a huge earthquake and there were many deaths. The death toll has been estimated to become more than 50,000. The earthquake happened last Monday at 2:28 pm local time and measured 7.9 on the Richter scale. As many as 20,000 deaths have already occured and another 40,000 people are missing and probably are dead. The defence minister has ordered 101 helicopters to airlift people from devastated areas. Many schools, hospitals, roads have been hit hard. Aftershocks are devastating as well, in a high school, more than 1,000 students and teachers are dead or missing and in a middle school, 900 children are trapped because of a buiding collapse. This is the worst earthquake to hit China since 1976 when an earthquake measuring 7.5 at the epicenter, more than 240,000 people lost their lives.

This is devastating news and I am sure that if the Chinese government would allow outside help, people would be found more quickly and survivors would also get the help they need now instead of later.

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