Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New rubber mends itself when broken

This article is a about a created rubber band that mends itself when broken, it is made by a new “material B” that can stretch to several time its original length like regular rubber but once broken the pieces “self heal with out heat or press strong”

The healing scars are not visible, but the rubber will brake at the same point it heals for berry long time.

Time improves the healing but even after 15 minutes, a sample can be stretch up to about 200 percent without braking. It will reconnect up to 18 hours after is broken


I think this article is really cool and that this discovery will help us a lot because there are a lot of stuff made out of rubber like toys and stuff and if it breaks its really hard to heal so almost every time it happened you have to buy a knew one now, if you buy stuff with this material it can last for ever.

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