Monday, February 18, 2008

HD DVD on life support as Wal-Mart backs Blu-ray

This article is about Wal-Mart getting rid of HD DVD and only going to sell Blue Ray Disk DVD's. People are saying that Blu-ray disk is better than HD DVD because its cheapper and has better image of the screen than what HD DVD has. When Wal-mart is going to sell Blue-ray disk it may be costly at first but then the prices are going to go down because its "Wal-Mart. Also "History tells us that as more people move to a new technology, prices typically go down,"

My Opinion: I think that Blu-ray disk is better than HD DVD because as the people say the image is clearer and better and its cheaper. This article caught my attention because maybe we should get rid of HD and start using the new technologie A.K.A. Blue-ray.

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