Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hearing Whales

In the article, I read about an study that is being done in whales to see how they communicate with each other and see with which part of their body they hear. Also how underwater sonar affect animals, because their way of listening is different from the ones in humans so it is a good that scientists research on it.
There is some radar technology that is use by ships to research for the underwater objects, so this is the underwater sonar that might affect some or all of the animals that live underwater.

When whales are hunting their food really deep underwater, they produce sounds that bounce and then they return back to the whales, and this is what helps them to "see" how their prey looks like when its really dark in the night.
So researches in San Diego did some kind of X-Ray to some whales that were dead so that they could have a better understanding of how they hear, what they did was made a computer model from a head of a whale and saw the process of how the sound moves and travels around the head from the whales.

My opinion in this article is that it's a really good idea to make tests in how things that people do can affect a lot of the animals not only in the sea but anywhere. Because sometimes for our own good, we do things not thinking about others, like the underwater sonar can affect in the way whales listen, and this can be a really big problem because without listening it is going to be harder for them to hunt, and to be protected from other kind of animals that can hurt them.
And also by making this research we could know how whales listen and to understand better the way they live and how they communicate. I find this really interesting because sometimes we can think that we are smarter than all the other animals and that we are the only ones that communicate with each other, but is not only us that have a way of communicating, so it will be awesome if we can know how the other animals live and communicate with each other and see how they live.

Marcela Murillo Trujano

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