Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Paramount to release thousands of film clips on Facebook

Paramount Pictures will become the first major studio to make thousands of movie clips available for use on the internet, launching its VooZoo application Monday on Facebook. DVDs of the movies will be offered for sale through a button that appears after each clip is played. Eventually, the studio will be using the same method to market upcoming films. VooZoo is expected to attract a few hundred thousand users within its first two months. The task of selecting clips was time consuming. Paramount staffers worked for more than a year to archive and tag the clips being offered. Paramount officials say they're not sure how much they may reap through the experiment, and have no "revenue goals" attached to the project. I think that this new gadget on Facebook will atract lots of people and will make great publicity and it's going to be really cool to have this on Facebook.

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