Sunday, March 9, 2008

Girl Talk: Are Women Really Better at Language?

This article is scientifically about girls learning language easier than boys. They did language tests on both boys and girls giving them words to either read or were read to them. Then they had to decide different things about two words, such as whether they rhymed or if they were spelled similar. They studied different parts of the brain between girls and boys. In the end they found that girls would learn language more easily because they can learn both orally and visually but boys would learn only one way.

My thoughts about this were that this did not make me happy as I am a boy but on the other hand I agree with the study. In my classes, girls tend to get the answers faster than the boys but not always. There are some smart men in the world especially in history. I would like to think that all boys are smarter than girls but I guess this study proves that theory wrong!

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