Tuesday, February 12, 2008

small as a sparrow


When I red this article I was astonished by the fact that a recently found pterodactyl (yes the huge things that fly) could be as small as a sparrow. This is shocking because other digs came up with huge birds that where almost ten times bigger than these. This of course leads to the question “how many more small dinosaurs are their?” Also this pterodactyl had no teeth curved toes and a wingspan of just 25cm. But some of the bones on this bird where not fully grown so it could have been in its early years when it died. So when they say it was not a hatchling or newborn they may not be completely right yes it may have been in its early years but it is not newborn. And of course they have only found one of these so it may just be a diseased or sick one. It is also strange that they live in the canopy because most pterodactyls where supposed to live in mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Where did they make this discovery? I wonder if there were different families of the same species that adapted to different locations? When I read about things like this- I realize how little we really know about our past- there is still a lot to 'uncover' so to speak!
