Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Powering Your Cell Phone Could Be a Walk in the Park

Powering Your Cell Phone Could Be a Walk in the Park

Exercising may help more then your muscles, it could create energy. By walking, jogging and running will power up a device on your thy and you will be giving energy to it. A team of researchers at the Simon Fraser University (S.F.U.) Locomotion Laboratory in Burnaby, British Columbia, are studying the amount of energy that can be generated by 3.5-pound (1.6-kilogram). How it will work? A steel knee braces worn while walking or running. Wearing a brace strapped on each leg, generating about five watts of electricity for each person during a new experiment. to run 10 cell phones concurrently and twice that needed to keep a computer running (something useful in developing regions of Africa where electricity is scarce). It produces 54 watts of power by running in place. When I read this I thought it was a really cool idea and it could help all over the world and it does not pollute.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how expensive it is, do you think that it will ever be affordable enough to create electricity in developing nations? How much is the cell service to go with it? I think we would exercise a bit more if we knew we could use our own energy to power our devices!
