Monday, February 11, 2008

Netflix digs HD DVD grave deeper

Netflix has decided to go with Blu-ray disc format only. They will begin fazing out hd-dvd discs by no longer buying them and only buying in Blu-ray format. The stock should be fazed-out by the end of the year. Luckily in Canada, has not decided to go that way and keep both formats as the rental preference of customers is about 50-50.

I do not support this idea because blu-ray is not much more different than hd-dvd. Most people have dvd players in their homes so now consumers have to have an additional expense by buying new players so they don't want to have to go out and buy new players for no reason. Also, both formats are great inventions then again so was the VHS player. VHS players actually were better in my opinion because you didn't have to deal with scratched discs. There will always be something "better" invented. Betamax, VHS, DVD, Blu-ray or records, 8-track, cassettes, then back to CD's, then on to digital music. There will alwyas be a war, someone's got to win.

1 comment:

  1. WOW- I am a Zip member, I don't think I would keep my membership if they went to BluRay.

    Do most people have BluRay in their homes?

    Very interesting.
