Sunday, October 15, 2017

Will we ever “eat" sunlight

In the passage I that read, the author talks about the possibility that human might be able to photosynthesis in the future. And the author also talked about a kind of aphids, this kind of aphids can produce energy with sun light using a kind of pigment in their body. And the aphids are not the only exception, there is also a kind of bee can do the same thing, using pigment in their body to provide energy. And the corals can also “photosynthesis” but in a different way, there is kind of symbiosis in the corals body. And this is the way animal can photosynthesis, even the rule is that animals cannot photosynthesis, but ever rule have an exception.

In the passage, there is a group of people are working on let other animals photosynthesis. And there is two main problem, the first problem is people cannot find the right part in a plant cell, and if we cannot find the kind of cell, we cannot put it in to the nucleus. The second problem is, an animal need much more energy than plant need, so if a man wants to get all the energy for him to live, he cannot move a lot, he need stay in high surface area, with leafy protrusions, and at that point, that man become a tree.

After I read the passage, I have an idea, if we can find some kind of stimulants to make the chloroplast work faster so that we can get the energy for an animal to move, the reason I am so interested in let people photosynthesis, is because a lot of people in world don’t have enough food to eat, and if we can let them “eat” sunlight, it will solve so many peoples food problem, it will make the world a better place.
1.What do you think about changing our body in to something else?
2.If there is people who can "eat" sunlight, what do you think will happen to the society?


  1. 1. From a personal perspective, i don't think we should change our bodies because that was how God created us and also there are lots of bad effects that can occur even if we make slight mistakes. I do not think i can live with bad effects.
    2. They might feel different in a normal society and they might feel like they want to be like the others.

  2. 1. I do not think that we should change our body's into a tree like posture. it really depends what people will evolve into in the future . we just have to wait and see in a few million years what will happen.

    2. If there are, they would be left out on most of the activities that we do today and will be judged by his/her looks and his/her
    way of moving.

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