Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Devil's Tower

The Devils Tower is located in northeast Wyoming and is a giant laccolithic butte of igneous rock. Igneous is from the Latin word ignis that means fire. Why fire you may ask, it is because igneous rock comes from solidified magma.

It stands currently at 867 feet (265 m) from summit to base and 5, 112 feet (1, 559 m) above sea level.

In more simple words the Devil’s Tower is a stalk, a small intrusive stalk formed from magma that cooled underneath the earths surface and was later exposed by erosion.

1. If you discovered this monument first, what would you think it was made from at first glance?

2. How long do you think it took for the Devil’s tower to form and come above the surface?


  1. 1. I would have thought this monument was handmade and it was made from plaster.

    2. I think it must have taken millions of years especially it was formed by cooled magma. it must have started forming when the earth was at the stage of formation with the volcanoes.

  2. 1. I would of thought that the tower was made out of stone that was transformed by the ocean. like the Percé rock in Québec.

    2. it must of taken about a million years to form, a mountain takes its time to grow and form. But this is more than a mountain.
