Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Are phones changing the future of the generations in a bad way?

Nowadays, teenagers spend most of their time in the phone. It means, that they do not sleep enough because we/they don’t sleep the 8 hours because they are chatting or playing video games at the middle of the night. Besides from not sleeping, electronic devices emit rays that interfere with bedtime and cause problems with the sleep-wake rhythm. The electronic device that is being used more today is the cell phone. Teenagers are being less social (physically) because they are always in their phone.

1.     1. What do you think that could happen to you if the rays emitted by the phone go beyond the expectations?
2.      2. If you recognize that you are a phone-user-24/7, do you want to sleep more and talk to the people that you have in front of you?


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  2. 1. We will get insomnia which can cause mental damage.

    2. I would like to sleep.

  3. 1. when the rays emit to much of it, we will start to have head aches which normally, some people are smart enough to just shut it off.

    2. yes I would, because I can have a better health style . not just mentally, but also physically
