Sunday, September 27, 2009

A brain-boosting video game

Three Canadian researches scanned the brains of fifteen teenagers girls (12-15 years) who play Tetris (a video game where you need to organize blocks).
After three months, their grey-matter (wrinkly misture of brain cells and blood vessels reponsible for processing information in the brain) was thicker and some of it was on the top of the brain.
After discovering that, the researches scanned brains of 11 year olds who didn't play and compared them. Turns out the grey-matter of the 11 year old wasn't thicker, because they weren't playing.
The researches didn't know if it was a good thing and if it is a positive thing for the brain.

I really thought this article was pretty cool and very unusual. What caught my attention the most was the fact that girls played and where "studied", not boys.

1)So, I would like to know what you think about the article.
2)Do you think that, in a way, it desenvolves your brain?
3)Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?

By Fernanda P.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yes it think they have a good reason to study that on girls maybe like alex said they are smater or a thing like that but I think that video game is not very
    importnt in my life and in the life of every one !

  3. I support tetris as a fun game.

    I think that they didn't do it on boys is because boys usually play games and maybe they have thicker grey matter already.

  4. I think that, that experiment was really dangerous. Why do they know that, that can happen to your brain? What do they do to know that their brain grows?
    And I also have the same question why do they try in girls.

  5. Fernanda - I really liked this article, it talks about something we are seeing more and more with technology - video games!

    How many of you in this class have a DS2 or a PSP or other 'handheld', lots I bet.

    Andrew did a job of pointing out what he noticed, it is written right in the article that they chose to do the experiment on girls because they typically play less video games.

    Alex might be on to something when he says that girls are smarter than boys- but that's not why they were chosen....

    The most interesting part for me was the conclusion, where the author stated that even though specific parts of the brain got bigger, they weren't the parts used to play video games AND having a larger section of the brain didn't necessarily mean that it was more efficient, or did more work.

    To answer your question Fernanda - I too wonder if playing video games doesn't disengage your brain just a little bit the same way other repetitive actions do. Like driving a car, many people who drive a lot say it becomes habit and pay less attention to the specific task (why there are accidents).

    Do I think this is a good thing or a bad thing? I have played Tetris to the point of exhaustion before, and after I finally give up - I am always wondering how I possibly wasted a half hour of my time that way! I don't think getting more used to video games is the best way to improve my spacial knowledge or performance.

    Great questions! I hope your classmates take the time to answer them!

  6. ya sorry for the comment i didnt think about it but if its makes the brain bigger so why dont children play tetris and at he age of 5 they will go to school with a lot more think to learn thank you great article

  7. i think its a good think because it makes their brain bigger so i think its better

  8. i dont understand how video games can do this.

  9. i dont think he can make your brain bigger becuause of video games.

  10. and i think its a very bad thing to be in front of a video game for your brain becuause i think its giving (hondes) that go in ur brain and you only think about this.

  11. I like this article and think its cool because its a fun wat to get smart i knew that Video games made you have better reflects but this my opinion i like to play tetris know am going to start playing more.

  12. I have to admit i dint really get the article, was it good if your brain was thicker or not..... well anyways besides that part i think its nice that there are playing video games, cause it does work up your brain and make it thinking but i think noone should get on any electronic its not good for your brain

  13. This is total interesting topic,
    and also I agree with Jessica. I myself don't really get it too.
    I'm just wondering if it make's ur brain smarter or not but this is a cool topic. It make's your brain to start to work just thinking about where you're going to organize the bricks in tetris.

  14. video games are great on so many levels and i would be awseom if they did make you smarter but sadly if its only the game tetris that does that than im sorry to say that would be a bad thing because tetris is boring

  15. I dindn't know that tetris weas good for le brain!! I think is aa very cool article. I think that is a good thing, becouse ti was told that the frey matter was like usefull brain or something like that!

    Good job Fernanda!
