Friday, October 2, 2009

Humpback whales make a comeback

Humback whales have been endangerd for along time, people have harshly killed them for many reasons one being their blubber. As threatend species they have made a surprisingly made a remakable comback in the West cost of Canada. In the north pacific they have doubled in the last two years the amount of whale s is 20,000.

Jackie Hildering is a whale studier in Boughton Archipelago off trhe northcost of Vancouver Island. She has been watching the whales and noticed that over the past years she has never seen so many whales, she has seen over 50 whales. She also said that she is very happy to see the whales come back so fast and in a big amount.

Jay Barlow, a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration he has also been watching the whales and has seen the same thing as Jackie but he is questioning if the whales are going to last. He said they have manage to stay away from being hunted but know they have to deal with natural changes. Like the climate change that will change the temperature of the water that the whales may or may not be able to adapte to. Also with water changE that also affects the other animals so that could limite their food supplies.

For a long time people have been trying to protect the humpback whales and even though they have made a big comeback we just have to wait to see how long it last.

1) Do you think that the whales will stay for a long time or not?

2) Do you think the climate will have an affecte on the whales were it gets to the point whan they can no longer survive?

Emily Norris


  1. Oh i think the humpback whale will really make a huge comeback and regain it's population but if people stop protecting them. Whalers will destroy them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. im happy becUASE they come back because its good it makes more animals in world and its good that they come back all togeter so they have more chance of surviving

  4. Yes,
    Thats really good that the whale's are coming back in such a big group so fast i am also wondering if they will stay around. I do think that the whales will be able to adapt to the changes of the water.

  5. I accidently hit anonymous, but this is Jasmine.

    Thats really good that the whale's are coming back in such a big group so fast i am also wondering if they will stay around. I do think that the whales will be able to adapt to the changes of the water.

  6. It does seem crazy to be killing whales - I agree with Spencer. I found this interesting page on a TV Show called Whale Wars - you can click here to see some clips...

  7. This article is relly cool because ive know for a long time that whales were hunted for all the things their fat can help produce... one thing tho is that i didnt know that they had made such an amazing come back over the past years.
    I think that the whales will survive because theyve been know to travel all troughout the world in all sorts of climates so they would probably survive

  8. Nice job, Em. I think that the whales will defenetely stay for a long time, maybe not all species, but they survive for sure, because we all have to adapt to the environment.
    And I do think that the climate will have an affect to the whales, but not to the point where they won't survive, maybe they'll need to move, who knows?

  9. Its crazy to killed whales because they don't do something to be killed I think that we need to protect them from people who are killing them.

  10. I thought that the artical was great because i be lots of people love going on wale watches and seeing wales.


  11. i think its good for the wales that they came back all thogether.

    like we studied in class i think they adapt to the weather.

  12. if a lot of people try to save the whales for a long time and is getting better i dont know why he wouldnt work and only red neck wan to kill them because there is a lot of food in it and they can make a lot of money but they go for like 25 years of prison us they get cut

  13. I think the whales could stay for a longer time then most things that live in the sea because they kill alot of whales but not as many as fish or sharks, although they could become extinct becasue the way were treating our land and water is not good for the animals its also not good for us so i wonder how long they would stay!! nice job emily

  14. These wales been in dagered so long and the goverment is doind its part but other countries are not like japan are killing wales for there blubber but they say its for scientific reasearch. but its rubbish and but this is a good thing because if the wales keep on going like this it will be good for the food chain and the ecosystem and if the population decreases there will be bad news for the ecosystem.
