Sunday, January 20, 2008

Scientists Can Predict Psychotic Illness in up to 80 Percent of High-Risk Youth

The article is about scientists that are finding a way to know when a person can have Psychotic Illness, it can be predicted by some synthoms, like if the
*person spends a lot of time in his/her room being alone and not having anything to do
*Having unsual thoughts, like thinking extrange people are talking about you, etc.
Scientists start finding out these kind of things at a young age, teens start hearing buzzing and then see images that dissapear a few seconds later, also thinking that some people are following them. All of these are factors that let scientists know that something is wrong, and they can prevent it by giving therapies to the people, etc.

What I think about this is that it's really good that scientists figured that out so that psychotic illness can stop, because they affect the people that have them a lot and also the people that are around them in their environment, so if it can be prevented I think is the best thing to do so that it can stop and people can live happy and have a very good life without mental problems & trouble.

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